Best bet probably bringing your own food in, as food is good, but overpriced, or stop of at the Peterborough Services and bring in a KFC or McDonalds, jobs a good'un!
Apparently Berntzon was in talks with a few British clubs aswell and we were one of them, but would be far too good for us! Wouldn't be a bad move if Ales could put a good word in for us, about Eduard Krcmar aswell....
Can you not see people in the 3rd/4th bend area? So they have everyone on the start/finish line, and on a bend, what's the difference between that and wolves?
Superb heat there, Lawson and Pontus fence scraping to the extreme!
and was Screeny half a sleep there? Why no Taylor Poole for Wilson????
How many stand on your backstraight and 3rd/4th bend?
Beaten to it by SCB, crowd is definitely no worse than an Elite League meeting as majority of tracks this season.
The only thing I saw every, especially when Darcy pulled up, was a kid running around in a red jacket, could that really put you off enough, would he of done it, if was winning? Doubtful.