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    Massachusetts, USA
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    Kings Lynn Stars

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  1. I just want to say thank you to the Star for bringing back team photos on the back of the issue during the season. I for one appreciated that a lot. Hopefully you will continue in 2025...
  2. OK - I don't do discord, supposedly there's a new MOD file for the updated release of SCM. Is it much different to the MOD file I managed to get already? Will I need the new MOD file if I download the patch release file. BTW - I am still playing Flying Shale.. will be updating all the riders with their 2024 averages v. soon.
  3. we has a few super female speedway riders here in NY State - that ride against men every meeting. Would you line pics/bios?
  4. I used to go quite regularly to both Wimbledon & Hackney from 78-86 - but always preferred the racing at Hackney. I supported neither team. The bloke running the track shop on bend one always kept back the Kings Lynn progs for me (in the days when tracks sold progs from other tracks). Around 1985 I started making small stick on photos 2"x3" of popular riders from 35mm photos I would take in the pits - sold a lot of them at Hackney and Rye House to the girl fans of certain 'cute looking' riders. Never got caught by Len. I still have a few of Melvyn Taylor.....
  5. Hi there Doe the riders csores in the BSN series count towards their 'official' bspa averages? Looking at 2023 riders averages they only seem to be Championship matches only, not even KOC?
  6. My last pic I think I took of him, in the Wimbledon pits, 1983, riding for the Stars
  7. Women race against men all the time in the States, at least in New York. And yes, you can comment on track size but the women I have seen race and have spoken to were not worried in the slightest about racing blokes. It's not a physical one on one combat sport. Bike control and riding ability counts. I admit in the top leagues/GP level, elbows on corner 1 are important. Personally I think it would be great to open up the National league (d3) to women in teams. If they want to race, let 'em.
  8. I am a hard copy subscriber to the Star here in the USA - so very much appreciate the fact that we have a magazine still. Just not a fan of the covers or the results layouts.
  9. Have to say - I am not a fan of teh way the results are set out in the magazine. I was trying to compile some stats from last season and the results are scattered across pages - so, cup finals \or semi finals are separated onto their own page . I do much prefer the old(er) format where they were all together in date order with a succinct report. Also, add to me to the list of 'not a fan of the covers'. And where are the team photos?
  10. 1978 - I took a day off work at the local canning factory (which I couldn't really afford to do..) and took the Kings Lynn Supporter's coach to Coventry to see the British Final. When we arrived at the parking lot, the local parking attendant came on the coach and said don't bother getting off, it looks like the meeting is going to be called off. And it was. The only time I ever went to Brandon. Just a miserable day on an old coach.
  11. I am a US based subscriber - who looks forward to my weekly Star. The UK postal disruptions have affected delivery to my Stateside address - and a local dispute here in our State also has had an effect. I had some October issues arrive in early December and a couple of issues never arrive, but the folks at the magazine have sent replacement copies without any questions. I have yet to see teh December 17th turn up - but given the Xmas rush and that the season is over, I am not too bothered, Yet.
  12. That's brilliant (not for him)... thanks for clearing that mystery (to me) up.
  13. Hmm.. Well he didn't get injured on April 7th (he had 4 rides winning his last ride) and suddenly didn't appear on April 9th. Maybe he got hurt riding in Europe or in an individual meeting on April 8th somewhere....I checked the records - and he had no Falls in any KL matches in 1973 up to April 7th...
  14. I know that Phil Crump appeared for the Stars in Spring Gold Cup matches in March & April 1973 and one BL match up until April 7th when he scored 7 from 4 vs Leicester in the Border Trophy. Then from April 9th for the rest of the season the Stars used Rider Replacement for him at #3 in the lineup - except a few home meetings when they obviously felt they could win without R/R and called in a reserve. There is no year book for 1973 and I didn't start following the Stars until Sept 1 1973 - so don't know the back story. Did he get hurt somewhere or what ?
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