So glad that sgp is going to be on eurosport.. hopefully they give it the attention it deserves, as well as the live show it would be nice to have other shows relating to the sgp, sky never seemed that bothered to be showing the sgp...
tomorrow both eurosport and itv4 will both have their tv listings updated to include saturday 22th and sunday 23rd listings so everyone should know by tomorrow..
sky are really taking the p*ss by not renewing their contract for the sgp, most sgp,s are during summer months when football season is over, wonder what they have lined up to show instead, it can't be about money, because if it is eurosport showing the sgp live I can't see them spending big on the rights
I can see it being on itv4, they seem to show alot of motorsport.. I don't think eurosport show that much motorsport.. If its on itv 4 thats me knackered as we have itv4 here in Ireland but they block all sport because of copywrite laws..
sky are going to look like idiots if as expected they don't show the gps and then start talking about the meetings on a monday night at their elite league meeting.. Nigel Pearson was tweeting the other day that this years gps has the potential to be the best yet, I wonder how he will answer the question of sky not showing the gps series??
nigel pearson on twitter saying no concrete information yet.. said last season was the best in years and this coming season could be the best yet.. he is hardly going to say that if its definite that sky have dropped the gp's...
thats me dropping sky... cannot justify all that money to watch a bit of football.. gps do be on every 2 weeks from may to september, not paying sky to watch cricket and other such rubbish through out the summer..