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crescent girl

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crescent girl last won the day on August 6 2013

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  1. Peter Kildemand announced for the BenFund event at Oxford on March 23rd. Live on BSN if too far to go on a school night......
  2. Sarah Bulman announced as co=promoter at Shielfield Park, replacing Gary Flint -- the former rider and father of Great Britain star Leon having stepped back from frontline duties during the 2023 season -- and Berwick’s new co-promoter has every incentive to ensure the sport continues to thrive in the Borders’ town. Because Sarah is determined that in years to come her grandchildren will be joining her at Shielfield Park to cheer on the R.E.D Bandits, powered by STS. The 43-year-old children’s services manager was given the go-ahead by British Speedway Promoters’ Ltd this week to join Steven Dews as co-promoter of a Berwick club owned by 36-year-old Jamie Courtney and complete the youngest management team in British speedway. And in a sport traditionally run by men, Sarah becomes the third female co-promoter in Berwick’s 58-season history. She says it will be a big learning curve in the new position, but with Jamie, Stevie and Stewart Dickson alongside, feels the club is in good hands. Welcome, Sarah!
  3. Bandits Supporters Club aiming to run a bus to support Peter Kildemand and Craig Cook at the Championship Pairs at Workington on April 5th. To ensure it runs, reserve your seat(s) early, call Norman on 07519-856702
  4. Mmmm, l presume entry will be the usual Oxford procedure, no cash?
  5. Going by the names already announced, this could be the biggest and best Benfund Bonanza for years...........
  6. So, your complaint is, the local promotion are giving their customers too much speedway for their money?
  7. Zagar is notoriously expensive.
  8. Just to say -- Bastian will start at reserve for Bandits
  9. At least double, and worse --- he'd demand it all in the shape of a huge guarantee per match. Klindt is indeed the ultimate gating tart, but as he usually gates he'll give Plymouth a high-scoring #1 at a reasonable cost.
  10. When you say "there's nothing out there"..... Do you just mean, there are none of last year's riders still unsigned to recycle? Berwick brought in Kildemand, Edinburgh have two Swedes, there are all the new Aussies like Cluff, McDiarmid and Bowes.. in short, there are plenty of riders "out there" -- a club just needs ambition and good contacts to find them......
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