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Everything posted by r8gdp

  1. Very bad move putting lambert back in he’s having an off night should have left dan in shocking
  2. For me at the moment it’s an Ipswich v Belle vue final .Having Doyle in the team winning most of his racers as got the others going better ,Batchelor starting to score more .Don t think many on here thought them as potential champs. Come the playoffs I think Zagar will raise his game away from home also expect fricke to go better.But there is a long way to go yet and as we know in speedway anything can happen with injuries etc.if mr Harris doesn’t make the final with Peterborough he could end up guesting for someone ,now that prediction might not be too far off the mark lol
  3. Funny that just read your post in the premiership finishing order April 21st and to me it looks like you’re saying belle vue v Sheffield in the grand final Ipswich also finishing bottom it looks like you are about has good as me at predicting lol
  4. I still go when I can .looking forward to seeing mr doyle at Sheffield in September think the grand final will be belle vue and your team Ipswich
  5. People need to chill grab a beer and quote the eagles. Take it easy lol
  6. Think it will be a different Zagar that turns up for the playoffs when it matters
  7. Think it might be closer than people think .as long as there is good racing and no injuries let’s hope for an entertaining night
  8. Don t worry mate our council been like that for years ,never as had a clue about anything
  9. Well I was right belle vue just nicked it lol sounds like a decent meeting the belle vue lads on it from the word go . Zagar s arrival definitely changed them from also rans into title favourites imo .could be them and Ipswich in the final Zagar v doyle would be a good battle
  10. Hope all fans see some good close racing and no injuries just got a feeling belle vue will nick this tonight Enjoy everyone
  11. Bloody hell I am dizzy up here can we stop the game now lol
  12. Adam s doing ok you ve got to race against better riders to improve hopefully he ll be learning and should improve with the experience
  13. Going to have start double checking my post or just stop posting on my phone lol Good Luck everyone
  14. Going to give Smektala the kiss off death £300 more please. It’s a s..t or bust bet lol good lusk everyone
  15. And stop all twit for tat comments.come on we are all speedway supporters
  16. Suggest people go to the Sheffield tigers site and read Damien Bates explanation of the events of last night
  17. Here s a thought. If we don t want draws at speedway meeting s we could have a super heat after every 3/3 drawn heat . that would add to the excitement surely.
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