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Super Blue

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    Ipswich Witches

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  1. Rumours of 6 man teams next year a possibility with new points limit so a replacement might not even be necessary. Its only something I heard with no element of proof behind it.
  2. My apologies, I was under the impression that it took place on the specified date. It still however doesn't alter the fact that Stockcar events have been run on a fortnightly basis with crowds during the summer.
  3. As far as 2021 is concerned I really think something needs to be done with the categorising of Speedway as an elite sport in this country! In other words make it grass roots and pronto! Let's be honest, how many clubs even in the Elite league these days average much more than 1200 to 1500 fans. I would say here at Ipswich about 1500 is the norm apart from playoffs etc when it does go up. The British final was due to take place at Ipswich with a crowd as a test event but ultimately ended up in Manchester behind closed doors due to this wonderful virus. The following weekend 2500 were allowed in the same Ipswich stadium for a Stockcar event at £50 a ticket generating £125,000 of income for a grass roots sports organisation (Spedeworth) 2500 being allowed in the same stadium for one sport and not 1000 for another is just wrong on so many levels. Either ban crowds at both or allow at both! How is this even possible is my question but who the hell do you put it to to try and get something done for parity.
  4. It was just an idea and I did suggest maybe something like what moto x use. Was trying to come up with a possible plan to stop the jumping starters with the way the rules are at the moment. With the way it is though imo they should let everything go unless you touch the tapes, if you do you're out!
  5. Admittedly I've not been rediculously close to a moto x starting gate but it just looked like it disappeared into the ground from where I stood, if not then my mistake.
  6. I must admit I'm in the if you haven't touched the tapes then let it go camp. If you don't have the technology to check for jump starts and 99% of tracks don't then one Refs perspective of who's gone too early will differ from the next. Some riders seem to be able to predict when the tapes will go up better than others and sometimes they will demolish them when exclusion is the punishment they will get and deservedly so. If the sport had something like the motor x barrier system I've seen elsewhere they certainly wouldn't be trying to get a flyer and risk getting seriously injured. I think the powers that be just need to make their minds up on a system or a ruling to sort it out once and for all!
  7. Foxhall stadium isn't a dump these days, obviously given its age it would however take vast amounts of money to have all the mod cons of a purpose built venue but its certainly equipped well enough to host big events. You've got to realise that every year apart from this one it caters for the better part of 10k crowds for the stock car and banger world championships. The one point I will concede to is the standard of the track and racing, most of us locals at Ipswich would love to have a track like Belle Vue's.
  8. According to Wikipedia the National Speedway Stadium capacity is 6500 including temporary stands, 3500 without them. Social distancing would reduce those figures massively. And people are asking elsewhere on this forum why Foxhall stadium at Ipswich is probably getting the British final in September as a crowd testing event. Simple answer is that these days the 12000 capacity there means more paying customers through the gates than would be possible at Manchester. Must admit though that I'd much prefer to have Belle Vue's track than what we actually have at Ipswich for the quality of racing!
  9. I certainly would like to but tickets could be like gold dust given alot of fans speedway starvation this year. Also we don't know at this stage what percentage of capacity will be allowed, even its 25% that would be only 2500 to maybe 3000 with the seating. I'm sure it won't be the usual 1500 who want to attend, I personally believe many more than that would want to go. My thinking behind this that Chris Louis put Ipswich in the hat due to the fact that Foxhall is probably one of the largest speedway stations in the country.
  10. And yet there's an indoors snooker competition going ahead with spectators, its bloody rediculous how all this is being handled! I've said on other threads that with your average speedway crowd it would be so easy to social distance it's unreal.
  11. Stock cars are also not officially professional and they are starting up with crowds in Ipswich this week. OK you have to pre book tickets and wear masks in the stadium but it's running so I don't see why NL level speedway couldn't get the go ahead if they wanted to.
  12. Just kidding, if you took your time eating you wouldn't have to wear a mask at all.
  13. You'd only be allowed watery soup you could suck through a mask anyway!
  14. So shouldn't be an issue for speedway then ! I didn't know till recently that the 3rd and 4th bends at Foxhall were closed on most stock car meetings as well as speedway, it's only the really big events where its all open.
  15. Did I read somewhere that there was an SCB meeting yesterday or am I imagining it? If there was you'd have thought we might have heard something by now about a potential restart or not of some kind of speedway this year.
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