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Everything posted by Wanderer

  1. R Worrall very poor for who? I would give him a place any day always gives 100% and wouldn't you prefer someone who wants to ride for you I'm thinking him and his brother together in the same team can benefit Belle Vue. They are good together
  2. You are correct. Summers did come across Worrall if you look close at Worralls front wheel you will see where Summers footrest went into his spokes. A few riders have said lately Mr Summers is getting known for his antics. Getting above himself. He went straight into Worralls line
  3. Might be that knew rule they just brought in A Brit can't replace an Aussie lol
  4. Sorry but you cannot call those words criticism You posted it face book therefore it's already public.
  5. Maybe he could change his nationality and become an Auzzie. Deffo get a ride then and loads of help too
  6. What about when the British go half way round the world to Australia they can't ride like the Aussie's ride hereYes Ward is talented, but so would our lads be given half the chances the foreign riders get.
  7. this news doesn't shock me, it's just another kick in the teeth for British Lads. Why even bother call it British Speedway. And don't anyone come on here saying there just not good enough, how the hell are they supposed To better themselves and improve when this happens they don't get enough rides Another nail in the coffin for British Speedway. If this is allowed to continue there will not be any British riders left to come through why would they want to?
  8. If that's the kind of thing you like go to stock car racing. My idea of speedway is 4 guys racing each other not who can fence who or who can wipe who out. We've had enough injuries don't you think. Also I think Garrity should have a little more respect he's clearly not in control when he's racing it's all me myself I,and bo**ks to you
  9. It may have been a tough ask for The British No 2 to ride at No 3 and score 3 points, I remember Belle Vue putting R Worrall at No 3 at Poole and when he only scored 2+1 he was sacked. Is this where the cookie crumbles;)
  10. Well im not expecting big results from GB this year.not getting enough bike time. Team Australia will do well though they are getting plenty of races under there belts curtesy of Mr Lemon (belle Vue) We are on to you Mr Lemon
  11. Well that's the Team Managers decision and he got it wrong Big Time. Is he up to the job as Team Manager?Is he the one who has chose the new signing because a big track rider won't do any good on a technical track like Belle Vue. As was proved when he guested against Coventry.
  12. Don't forget that 1 point from stefan neilson was a huge contribution from 4 rides!
  13. I don't understand your quote about his results last year and this year he actually got the rider of the night two weeks ago for Somerset I feel for this lad he won't be getting much bike time and won't be earning much money it looks to me he as been let down by Bellvue leaving him with no elite league ride young worrall will now be playing catchup.
  14. How about this. All speedway fuel tanks have 2 fuel taps but a rider has a tank with a secret compartment just for his Nitro. Prior to his race he's fills his carb with Methanol and goes to the line therefore burning off his Methanol, at the line he then switches the other tap on containing Nitro to then fill his carb with Nitro ready for the start, once his carb is full he then switches that off and he's back on to Methanol and away he goes. If and only if a riders fuel gets checked by dipping a shringe into his to fuel reaching only one part of his tank it appears to be only Methanol. All riders when at start line always check their fuel is on so to see a rider doing this would not look suspicious. All bikes before a meeting are scruteneered so why not scrutinise their fuel tanks too and while they are there check bore size too
  15. I didn't say Darcy was a cheat only because in my opinion I don't think he is. He spends far too much money on his equipment and I dont think he need to cheat. He's hungry to win not a glory hunter and he puts bums on seats which is what we need at the moment Buts that what I said before about results changing straight after the Kennet incident But can anyone tell me just how many bikes were checked last year. It has to be made compulsory BSPA should state Anyone Found Cheating will be banned and they should make it also clear that bikes are riders responsibility and should know what they are riding No Excuses The saying Cheats don't prosper is not true they do and have been doing big time not only cash but reputation.
  16. All the people on here slating Darcy Ward for having a drink, well at least he's not a Cheat. Darcy has a natural talent on a bike he stands out and is very exciting to watch But some riders are cheating and making some other naturally talented riders look well not so good. Bikes are not being checked and should be regularly this would show who the talented riders are. If the BSPA sent out letters to each club saying regular checks are now compulsory we will see a big change in riders results. Either that or make it level playing field for all in other words If You Can't Beat em Join em. Yes Edward Kennet cheated and got caught but did anyone notice certain riders results change? I did. but after a while it was business as usuall. I am not saying for one minute drink or drugs is ok speedway is fast and furious and is not for the faint hearted I for one admire the riders but cheating should be a Big No No and has got to be stopped.
  17. Hoping for a great year for Belle Vue too. Just out of interest where would you say changes have been made for the better, who wasn't pulling there weight?
  18. I take it you don't rate these riders then ?
  19. This lad worrall is still learning the trade and I have seen him beat all three of these riders in fact I seen him get a 18 point max at Lynn against wolves and I believe he gave heat 15 ride to schlien so he could get some points.what will he do if there is no ride in uk for him?
  20. I think your right there maybe he should of stayed at kingslynne, it will be interesting to see the comments at the end of the year about certain riders if Belle Vue don't sort there track out, it looks well when riders off 1 or 3 hit the tapes to get gate 4 and still win the race.
  21. Well it looks like the stable door was left open. And whoever gets him will have a great signing. Class style and speed. A few track track records under his belt. And I don't think it was because his throttle was stuck on. It's onwards and upwards for that Young Man. Plus I think when he settles down and stops trying to hard we may see a few more track records.
  22. "Poor riding , lack of skill" your comments are childish and insulting, they are racers not riders they all go to that line to WIN but after those shocking exclusions they were all going to that line in a totally different frame of mind they couldn't focus on what they were there for, everything was about The Ref no one knew what he was going to do next. I have said it before and I will say it again Who referees the referees?
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