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mac101 last won the day on April 20

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About mac101

  • Birthday 02/05/1983

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    glasgow tigers

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  1. Dillon has been having problems with his hand since his last crash so not been riding for a while had all his stuff sent back to the states last month can’t see Broc coming back either another with a great job back home
  2. he will be a 5 pointer pretty good rider and best mates with James Pearson could maybe fit both in
  3. He will be a 5 pointer and is James Pearson best mate so maybe both might come as a package
  4. 2 year deals are worthless just ask Bomber
  5. The Glasgow reserves and the rest of the team will have plenty track time to get themselves dailed in and ready for next season so they should be well up to speed before the season kicks off
  6. Or maybe he is just happy to ride in one league and enjoy his racing
  7. Maybe he got his championship average reassessed to 4
  8. Does he have a British passport ?
  9. Glasgow were going to run a NL team but think our only option this year was to enter the NL trophy and with all mostly southern based teams it was not viable but they do intend to something this year with the vue to entering a team next season
  10. From what I know any new team next year has to enter the National Trophy as they don't think there is enough riders to cover more NL teams
  11. See Max Ruml is flying into the uk wonder if he is in any clubs wanted list ;-))
  12. The first day some go to the waterpark before the meeting starts after lunch lol
  13. Until teams announce their full 1-7 how can anybody say a team is weak at reserve
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