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Everything posted by WembleyLion

  1. Now Saturday 9 June 2012? http://www.speedwaygp.com/event/speedwaygp-2012-copenhagen
  2. I would be surprised if they were allowed to run it that night due to the ELRC at Swindon.
  3. http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=65614
  4. Paul - the later start is to enable it to cool down a bit! EDIT Just noted GW beat me to it by a few seconds!
  5. I can also remember it when it has been confirmed as late as September although most people had taken a guess when booking hotels.
  6. Edward Kennett, Lewis Bridger and Oliver Allen now added. Good luck Johno - hope you have a great turnout and well done for not jacking up the admission prices.
  7. Well said Alan - I always look forward to Tuesday and can't wait for my next trip back to Sweden following my recent visit to Norrkoping, Eskilstuna and Nykoping.
  8. I agree that Scott had some good fortune last night but in other years things have gone against him. He delivered when it mattered most so well done to him, a worthy winner in my opinion! Tai was also great last night and his time will no doubt come very soon!
  9. Just got back to my Hotel - it was Oliver Berntzon who fell in heat 10 - hopefully he will be ok. John Lindman looped at the start in heat 2. Griparna 53 v 37 Gnistorna.
  10. My first visit to the Norrkoping track last night - a very enjoyable evening apart from Damian Balinski's crash. Vetlanda may have gone on to win the meeting but for that piece of bad luck! Eskilstuna tonight (Tigrarna v Solkatterna) for a big away win and then Nykoping tomorrow for Griparna v Gnistorna and back home on Friday. To anyone who likes Speedway and a bit a travel I would thoroughly recommend a trip or two to Sweden.
  11. I would like to wish John Resch a speedy recovery. Congratulations to Joe Jacobs on his paid maximum and many thanks to the chap who sold me his programme after they had sold out (again)!
  12. Thanks Phil - I'll be setting off from Buckinghamshire soon then!
  13. Lewis Whitmore is I believe the name of the mascot!
  14. I had a very enjoyable day and it was great to be able to support Adam who has given so much to British Speedway over the years.
  15. That's a shame but many thanks for the clarification Phil.
  16. Tony I believe they decided some months ago that Wolverhampton was the favoured option for most of the Heathens fans. Edit - just noted that Brummie Kev beat me to it!
  17. According to my programme:- Johns rode in heats 2,4 and 13 (replacing Bert Harkins) scoring 0, 1 and 1+1. He was replaced in heat 7 by Barry Briggs who was on a tactical substitute ride. Jones rode in heats 2,3 (replacing the excluded Neil Cameron),8 and 11 and scored 2,0,1 and 1.
  18. Thanks Mateusz - this is great news - Wroclaw v Rzeszow for me!
  19. I agree Mateusz - many fans in the UK think the sport is badly promoted here but hats off to the Polish authorities who seem to have really excelled themselves with a lack of planning surrounding both the Leszno and Torun GP's.
  20. Big opportunities missed here to catch many travelling fans (if not on 1 May) on the Friday night before. Also seems that the Torun GP might be much the same. As Paulco says - so disappointing!
  21. Excellent news and I look forward to several visits to West Row during the season!
  22. Thanks for that R & R and it's nice to note that it's not just British Speedway that can suffer from inertia.
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