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Everything posted by BomberHammer

  1. The picture in speedway star showing part of the track etc, How old is that picture, No air fence, Good Luck hope you get everything sorted, Thanks
  2. Free speedway stars, Complete years 2007 to 2017, Donation to Ben Fund, Bedford, Thanks
  3. Is anyone else having problems with todays speedway star online edition ?, It downloaded 12th October edition, Thanks
  4. I see this weeks speedway star have got the dates wrong for the last 2 gp for next year, According to speedway star its 16th sept Poland and 30th sept Denmark, Thanks
  5. They have had a problem downloading this week edition, but its being sorted, So hopefully it will be available later today, Thanks
  6. Is anyone else having problems today downloading this weeks speedway star 30th December edition, Thanks
  7. Being an old git, Can someone explain to me. what this " man alive" thing is scottie keeps going on about, Thanks
  8. Thats a shame, Maybe any refunds that might be due can be donated to the BEN Fund, Thanks
  9. Are the highlights on Quest repeated at any time ? Thanks
  10. Any news if there is to be a grand prix on the 19th june?. Thanks
  11. Who updates the bspa/speedwaygb web site ?, Still nothing on there about the british gp being cancelled, Thanks
  12. My brother as not received he,s copy yet again, first week with new lot received ok, 2nd week nothing, 3rd week ok, this week again nothing, rm3 9pt, Says over the last year, with royal mail or the new lot, as missed about 8 issues, Says not going to bother to renew, might get a copy at supermarket, Thanks
  13. Why does speedway star, keep on insisting that the Olympic stadium is on the old hackney stadium site, its NOT, In this weeks speedway star, the piece about Vic Harding, it says, " The old waterden road became the Olympic stadium", The olympic stadium is NOT in waterden road, part of the old hackney stadium site is now the BT media centre/studios, Get your facts right, have a look on goggle map, Thanks
  14. According to the speedway gp website, The first grand prix next year is Germany 30th May Thanks
  15. Hi, Is anyone else having a problem today, getting the latest speedway star downloading on the exact editions app ?, Thanks
  16. Will BT Renew The Contract To Show The Grand Prixs This Season 2019, Or Will Anyone Else Be Showing Them ?, Happy New Year, Thanks
  17. With the current BT deal to show league racing being a lot less money wise, Will BT renew the deal to show the Grand Prixs after the deal ends at the end of this season ?, Thanks
  18. My current speedway star subscription is due for renewal soon, Is it better online or paper version, currently i have the paper version Thanks
  19. Have they announced which night they are racing on yet ? Thanks
  20. I thought onesport were covering these meetings, and showing them live, Or is that just in europe, and not in the uk Thanks
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