Who told you that where have you heard that from like hope all this talk about Lewis going peterborough or worky is not true hope he's back with the diamonds next year
yeah some one like ludvig would make a good captain as hes rode for us for the past 2 seasons he knows the club well and would make a fantastic captain and a good no 1 x
well i just hope that kerr is back with the diamonds next season as hes been great xx. got to say tho really gutted about robbo not coming back to the diamonds next season hes been great last season and made a good captain too
well lewis kerr has his pl deal done for next year god hope its for the diamonds ive got my fingers crossed that they have signed him ?x we will just have to wait and find out if its newcastles or not ?x
Well personally I would sign Kerr Lindgren robbo back before anyone else try's grab them. Tough call on who to sign outa Millsy and nielson to go at reserve with Lewis rose for 2015. both Simon and Chris are really good. But we will just have to see what happens in next couple of weeks as to who we get and sign
Well I saw a post on here from one of the ippo fans said they heard that worrall was going back to where he' was before ippo don't know how true it is or not tho x