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Everything posted by Pinny

  1. On this form, Poole will top the table by June and seal the top spot with half the season to spare! Imagine how strong theyd be if they replaced Watt with Pawlicki?!
  2. I was home for 6 weeks from end of jan to start of march, and it was raining nearly every day so unsure what you class as a dry winter?!
  3. Surely, as with Sponsor visas for brits in aus, you get 28 days to search for a new sponsor before you have to leave?
  4. Youd of thought theyd have one with Davies and Douglas in the side? Also leave it out, regarding picking at plymouths team so soon! The same happens when any team goes bang, surely youd rather riders get fixed up sooner rather than later?
  5. Be interesting to see if the riders get paid for the couple of meetings theyve done. Youd of thought if they were foolish enough to start the season then theyd at least of tried a competitive team fixture or two at home, surely??
  6. They need to be ruthless - good reports from the opening meeting and a good win, if they can strengthen they need to pounce asap. The oppurtunity to sign a potential 8+ rider in Holder is too good to miss
  7. Definately. Cant see Lykke making any more progress and this Karger looks absolutely pants going by his scores!! Holder would provide the Rockets with that extra heatleader their missing and could become a real force! Kennett Robson Holder Lanham Heeps Branford Morley That side, providing Holder continues improving at the rate he is and Robbo proves last weekend wasnt a one off, is title challenging material imo.
  8. Stunned to see this - had Bowden drove the club into the ground that much? When they first joined PL they had superb crowds, what went wrong?! Shocking of them to start the season though knowing that it was highly unlikely they wouldnt be able to run all season - as said thats a few riders totally screwed. Must admit its a massive shock, i hadnt read anything about struggles down at the club! Second time its happened to a club featuring Kurtz and Gjedde in the same team as well!
  9. Wilkos as tough as they come , remember him gashing his face badly at Exeter in his early newport days yet riding on - most wouldnt of even been able to put their crash helmet on!
  10. The track was laid by people with no knowledge of laying a speedway track?! In other news, its rumoured the meeting was arranged by two imbeciles with no knowledge on how to run a speedway meeting...
  11. What an appalling statement to make. From appointing one donut as head of the bspa to another. Belle vue messed up, but to see a statement like that is baffling. And he wonders why the wheels are falling off at his club at an alarming rate!
  12. What An absolute farce is all that can be said!!! Bv promotion shooting themselves right in the foot here. This sport is cringeworthy at times.
  13. Thought 10 but then thought it was too extreme. Handy as a second string i suppose though!! Remember him starting at Sheff in 99, could hardly turn the bike at newport and looked about 6 years old! Very good gater tho
  14. Wasnt it morelike 9 at home 1 away?! Apart from Most exeter riders, ive never seen such a gulf in home/away aves in the pl i dont think!
  15. When he dragged Emil Lindqvist off his bike after a race at Newport and repeatedly kicked him in the shoulder, causing him shoulder damage for the rest of his career. Was all on video for all to see, how he got away with just a fine is a joke
  16. Sorry Gav cant agree with that. Rickardsson was absolute superb to watch on a bike, over his time span i dont think such a successful rider has ever been so exciting. Some of his passes were breathtaking, even when he missed the gate he was superb to watch. Id much rather watch Rickardsson than Gollob but thats opinion Gollob was useless on the temp tracks for years, Trick could ride any track whether he was gating or passing. Absolute class on a bike, against very very tough opposition too.
  17. Booting innocent people in the shoulder maybe? Tosser of a guy and was very badly thought of amongst fellow riders.
  18. Didnt see that coming! Is this the season Alex Davies fulfils his undoubted potential?!!! Good on the scorps and good on Lewis Kerr getting a win under his belt. Hope he has a great season. Alarm bells must be ringing already at Ippp, thats a disgraceful score from Castanga
  19. Their a similar average in el - garrity had the balls to try it in the 1-5, newman didnt. Garrity will easily outscore newman in the 1-7, can see garrity mixing it a lot more on the first bends.
  20. Garrity nearly two points ahead of Newman in PL - a league where neither are protected like they previously were in EL. Id choose Garrity every time. And it seems most other neutrals on here agree. I have no preference to Coventry or Poole btw and more often than not take their side. Just think the whole draft is an absolute effing farce.
  21. They could of ditched him and signed another tier 1 rider though, but didnt. Either way, how Coventry have lined up is exactly the method all clubs and their respective drafts should of been.
  22. Exactly. Newman, Garrity, Worrall, Howarth, Auty, Wilkinson, Wright etc should all of been forced to go into the top 5 to attempt to further their developement, moving all tier 2 riders to tier 1 and bringing a fresh crop of youngsters into the tier 2 slots. Only Coventry have done it properly, and their being punished now as every other team lines up with strong reserves. Theyve had their fun banging in huge scores from number 6 or 7, let them step up into the next stage. Im sorry, but for Wilkinson (and Carl is one of my favorite riders) to be riding in the draft some 15 years after his premier league debut is absolutely farcial. They may as well let any Brit in speedway ride in the draft. Where do you draw the line? Its a farcial system. Something that should work so well makes the sport look exactly what it is, essentially a circus. EDIT: Can understand allowing Kerr to continue in it after such a dreadful smash last season.
  23. And?hes still young and improving. Hes a better talent than Newman and figures will back that up. 3 points from number 2 away from home on his debut in a main team role. Lets see how Newman does in his meetings in the team before he goes back down.
  24. Why? The likes of king, stead, kennett and barker have so no reason why garrity wont. Much better rider than newman imo and if he wasnt so wreckless he would be even better. Out of interest what are their respective el aves? Seeing as im In Aussie, i doubt it and i doubt theyd care
  25. Officially i cant get paid double time on a saturday or a sunday, the little wad of cash i receive on a sunday afternoon proves it can still happen tho
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