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Everything posted by Pinny

  1. Workington and Newport by far had the best travelling support and probably home support in the 99-2000 era. Newport would take 500 fans up the road to Reading and Swindon, and a few hundred to Exeter. Workington I went in 99 and 2000 and the place was packed , and they always brought healthy numbers down to Newport. Think they done Stoke Saturday, Newport Sunday and Exeter Monday. Remember Stonehewer saying in the bar one afternoon at Newport that he had to ride three of his worst tracks in three days in a row! Its a crying shame how numbers have fallen hugely all over the UK, the old PL probably used to have an average of about 1100. Seeing Newport attract crowds as low as 250 in their last years was upsetting, the place could of been a hot bed for speedway. Tim Stone worked wonders getting the place going and had the world at his feet during the first three years, and I still believe the year he paid huge wages to the side with Cunningham and Masters in it was the beginning of the end for speedway in Newport, even if it did still run for ten years after. I know for a fact Stoney paid huge money before a wheel had started on that side, and they finished bottom. Cunningham alone lost the club many fans who refused to go and support the club whilst he was there with his anti Welsh comments, despite being half Welsh himself. Stoney got Wato and Smart back the following year but built the rest of the side all wrong, and never got the same sized crowds back in. After that he was content in paying whatever Wato wanted to resign him, and didnt really care about the rest of the side hence so many wooden spoons. That coupled with his attitude to the fans, driving many people away, meant he slowly run the club into the ground. Along came the Malletts with a load of money, had the clubs interests at heart but made a lot of mistakes and couldnt get decent crowds back in. I do believe had Stoney still been alive the club would still be running in the third tier with probably a tiny fan base. i wasnt a fan of his, far from it. But there is no doubt that Newport Speedway had enormous potential, their early crowds were huge and passionate, and the type of crowd who wouldnt want the party to end until the product was no longer value for money. And thats what happened. Workington Speedway has also never really hit it off since Mole left. A few different promoters who have all struggled to get the original fans back and probably never will.
  2. Cannot see Swindon riding next season unless the stadium and track stays as it is for another year. Quite clear to anyone that its only a matter of time before the whole stadiums bulldozed to make way for housing. such a shame, used to love standing at the 4th bend bar and bbq area in the summers back in the day when Newport were there.
  3. I agree, it wont be long until Shawn is on this forum under a new ID. He will eventually get caught out of course. Quite how on earth a disgusting individual like him is being released so soon is worrying. And people like him always reoffend...
  4. Think its a major problem in all UK citys to be honest.
  5. “Although set in Edinburgh, almost all of the film was shot in Glasgow, apart from the opening scenes, which were shot in Edinburgh, and the final scenes which were shot in London“
  6. “Although set in Edinburgh, almost all of the film was shot in Glasgow, apart from the opening scenes, which were shot in Edinburgh, and the final scenes which were shot in London“
  7. Both Edinburgh and Glasgow have their fair share of junkies in all honesty. Wasnt trainspotting a Glaswegian film?!
  8. Worrying thing is, if its who many believe it is, hes been on here since near enough the launch of this forum. Anyone who frequented the Reading forum back in about 2002/3/4 ish will remember him and he was on this forum then too.
  9. Robson has been a fantastic rider , one of the legends of the sport. Always remember his guest performances at Newport filling in for Wato. He was a master aroun Queensway Meadows. glad he will retire in one piece after some horrible injuries.
  10. Glad someone has finally outed Jenga, he really is probably the worst poster on this forum. Complete tool.
  11. Scheilns average on the BSPA website is over 9 and Riss isnt even 8. Or are you lookin at the speedway star?
  12. Id say Lawson is well worth a place next season, a pre season of preppin decent kit and getting in shape he will be a top signing at reserve.
  13. That isnt the argument. Scheiln has averaged about 9 this season mainly from number one. That is classed as a big hitter.
  14. Gavan wrong again. Scheiln has spent most of the season at 1 in a poor side , even I know that and I am not an Ipswich fan! be shocked if he wasnt in the top 5 league averages . If he isnt a bigger hitter , then who is? ipswich side needs a clear out. Out with covatti and Heeps.
  15. People keep banging on about BV being the biggest most famous club in history. Maybe thirty odd years ago. But my memories of them since 1999 are of a bottom of the league backmarker most seasons with a disgraceful track (kirky lane) . Theyve now moved tracks to a better one and a better stadium but still havent won anything.
  16. As it stands Poole speedway I am almost certain will be a profitable buisness. Matt Ford will still make a few grand each week off it, if he doesnt hed of flogged it already. You dont hear many other fans saying theyd love Ford promoting their club because they know it wont happen thats why . If for example Matt Ford offered to run Kings Lynn speedway would the likes of Bagpuss be against it? No of course they wouldnt despite what people say.
  17. Poole reportedly get 1500 average a week crowds , I would be stunned if Ford didnt still make a handsome profit from the club. I just think he has fallen out of love with the sport . so it isnt just a case of Ford selling unusable rider assets and a few tractors, he would be selling a profitable buisness.
  18. Hard to disagree with that Shov, Ford has without doubt been the best promoter of the last 20 years as trophys and crowds show. I just think he has lost a bit of interest now the top dogs arent riding here anymore , he loved having world champs and top riders at Poole and that doesnt happen anymore. The continued watering down of the league as well. if I was Ford and was able to walk away with a profit and sell the club on, I would definately do so.
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