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Everything posted by Pinny

  1. Stonehewer back in early 2000s was rumoured to be on around that figure so given that was 20 years ago, it wouldn't seem unlikely to be the case now.
  2. Who would that be then? As in the three years LR was at Newport the teams were announced very quickly. Tim Stone in his latter years at Newport would take ages to declare his side - I remember one year the season had already started and we hadn't announced our number 1!
  3. You have to be joking surely! as much as he was great to watch , he was absolutely a dirty and reckless rider. Ask Dave Mullet and Craig Watson for a start! And Simon Stead !
  4. Skidmark bitter as hell that they missed out on the Aussie . Pathetic but does anyone expect anything less?
  5. He is, dont trust anything he says. Defrauded the government out of near 100k as well. All online to see .
  6. What were crowds like the year Brum topped the El table and lost the playoff final ??
  7. If Thomsen was signed on a 7 or 9 i would agree however he is on a 4, hardly the end of the world is it?
  8. Even with a top 10 point number one thats an awful side.
  9. BWD would be an absolutely ridiculous signing. Another season of dross in coming if he signs.
  10. Would love to see Puk do well but as said hes old now and coming back from another bad knock. that said, with no pressure on him at all he may well do okay. However , as one of my all time favs right from 2003 when signed at Newport on a 9.0 average and classed by many as an awful signing , id love to see him have a great season. At 2 or 4 around Lynn, you never know. class rider in his day, dominated the polish and uk averages for a couple of years and made world number 3 . If only the old school bsf posters Racer X and Jungle Jake still posted here... i always said he would have a better career than their beloved Zagar, Janusz K , Jonas Davidsson and Bjerre and was proved right!
  11. Ah so shes a smackhead cos she used to like a bit of coke? smackheads are heroin addicts. She hasnt ever done heroin as far as i can see.
  12. When has Kate Moss ever been a smack head ?????
  13. Can see Brum ending up a right mess , a half arsed Zagar riding to top up his pension stinks of a disaster waiting to happen.
  14. He did get banned in 07 riding for Reading and not Glasgow. This davie guy is talking garbage.
  15. Danny Bird got banned whilst riding for Reading , apparently an Aussie faked a back injury unloading his van to avoid being tested at the same meeting.
  16. Ill happily bet you 100 quid that Fulham and Wolves finish above Bournemouth in the league this season. For some reason you are over hyping them hugely - their a poor team. They will finish 16th or 17th - depending on how Everton bounce back from their points deduction and if they end up facing any more deductions.
  17. Nonsense. The only reason they may stay up this year is due to such poor teams being promoted this season. If , like most seasons , one of the newly promoted teams was good enough to stay up, Bournemouth would be a cert to go down.
  18. I heard mickey mouse wears a richie worrall wristwatch.
  19. Jesus christ. He got a very lenient punishment and is still complaining. What a kn0b.
  20. Silly boy and an even sillier punishment but it doesnt mean career over. Frankie Smart got 18 months and missed a full season and a half and came back better than ever before.
  21. Shocking outcome and punishment. should of got 2 year ban as of when he was found guilty.
  22. I know that. But they are way off premiership standard as are the promoted 3 but its rare all 3 promoted teams all go back down the next season so will be 2 of them and Bournemouth to go down. To be fair their a small club anyway and shouldnt be up in the top tier.
  23. Bournemouth should go down this season. Along with the recently promoted 3 , they are nowhere near premiership standard.
  24. Maybe thats why Cook is heading up North then as he will also represent you in the top flight.
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