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Everything posted by Pinny

  1. Another nail in the coffin for British Speedway. Not worth that by any means. And they wonder why they will get sod all fans through the gates.
  2. Allen better than Riss? Not yet he isnt imo.
  3. But people year on year pay in huge numbers to go. Speedway would love to have that many fans through the gates even if they all paid 20pence each to get in.
  4. Importing foreigners certainly worked at Newport for the first few years at least , we had Iversen, Henriksson, Watson , even Korneliussen could be classed as a success story. But in years to follow we also ended up with Vedel, Kujawa, Mroz etc so that balanced it out. but agree with Najjer that now is the time to back the Brits.
  5. Carter is a murdering scumbag. End of. After what he done , how anyone can say otherwise is baffling.
  6. IMO Leicester look by far the best side to me. I know its not done on paper but jesus compared to other clubs they look strong. Douglas, Morris, Howarth, Proctor and Bates is one hell of a top5.
  7. Well known here that people fly interstate for mining work and plenty of money in it too.
  8. The clubs that people are naming are examples of how to run the sport , like Glasgow as example, are running at huge losses. How much did the promotion say they have lost since taking over? Same as Belle Vue. Aren’t they in debt up to their eyeballs?
  9. Kennett in particular at 16 was sensational in the Premier league. Remember him in 02/03 he was superb. Stead and Allen at 16/17 were also way ahead of Kemp. That is kind of my point , so many riders at that age classed as the real deal.
  10. The thing is, it all depends on how far riders want to go. I am under no doubt that quite a few young Brits over the years have been happy to settle for the doubling up in the UK and not push too hard abroad. Which is absolutely fine if they are happy racing regular and earning good money. The likes of Allen, Stead, Kennett etc ... IMO they could of gone a lot further than they did but I think they were pretty happy with what they had.
  11. Will see how he goes this year. Calling him a big deal is over the top though looking at his progress so far. Absolutely streets behind the top boys on the continent at the moment. Even that Dane, Birkemose? Same age as Kemp, look at what he has achieved so far yet you hardly hear his name. The problem is, and we are all guilty of it, is Brits love to over hype sportsmen. Same as in football and then when they don't hit the heights many expect, they get criticism. It is absolutely nothing personal against him, but I have seen many, many young Brits come around and get rated as this and that and very rarely at best does it happen. I remember Lee Hodgeson at Sheffield at 15 ripping the Conference league apart and being touted as the next British world champion. I remember Barrie Evans at 15 being raved about at 15. Where are they now? Kemp may well turn out to be a very decent rider and as I have said, this is prime time to do it with the top tiers being so diluted and weak. His national league form looks impressive. However, using the excuse that he got moved into the main body of the side doesn't wash with me. People will remember Andrew Appleton and Chris Neath regularly swapping places at 2 & 7 after starting on a 3.00 for Newport in 1998/9. They both ended on over 5.00 in a stronger league. Lets imagine Kemp was showing exactly the same form but was a foreigner. What would peoples thoughts be then?
  12. What about the “wonderboy” Kemp certain people are raving about? Didnt do too well with Sheffield did he?! Palin looks a much better prospect. Sommelier may cry reading that though and accuse a successful buisnessman in Aus of being a fruit picker
  13. I would say riders like Palin are lucky this year , both top top leagues look the weakest they have been for at least 30 years. If a rider can’t attain a 4.00 average at least in the championship this year, that has to be a hugely hugely worrying sign. Palin does look set for the top though and a top prospect. I fancy Tom Brennan to make massive strides this year.
  14. An absolute farce of a system in my opinion. Bates has been around far too long to be even considered in a system like this but isn't his Dad or Uncle part of the BSPA? Say no more. What could of been a superb program for British Speedway now has been made to look a laughing stock. And who the hell came up with the name "Rising Star"? Dear god.
  15. I remember him causing carnage one year at Glasgow and had to be escorted from the stadium by the police
  16. Has anyone actually announced they plan to bring speedway back there yet? Huge gamble in this current climate IMO.
  17. Compton at least was extremely dirty, seen him on a few occasions stuff riders up into the fence . I did always enjoy watching him race, mind you. But seen some extremely crazy moves from him. Ask Dave Mullett and Simon Stead. class rider none the less. What amazed me more was how he put it all on the line in each race despite being an extremely wealthy business man off track. Wilson was another who i would consider dirty but box office to watch. Same as Schott.
  18. You have the odd fall out now but the rider feuds back in the day were great too. I remember Paul Fry nutting Phil Morris at Swindon back in around 2000 ish after Morris had pulled a naughty move on him. And who can forget Anders Henriksson and Carl Stonehewers fall outs? What made that great was Anders used to beat him at Newport and it really got under Stoneys skin. Hated being beaten by him.
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