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Everything posted by Pinny

  1. What an unlikely team Mr H, you and the Main Man together at Birmingham! What has mr Tibbs got to say about this
  2. Just rules made up as they go along. I remember when riders missing got severely punished. Now they just do what they want. sport's absolutely fu***d in UK and to make it worse many clubs have attracted huge crowds so far (huge for UK standards nowadays anyway, so they say). And then stuff like this happens. Shambolic.
  3. Bollocks , youd be the first one crying like a baby if Lynn were to close at the end of the season and Buster wouldnt sell to someone who had plans to move them to a new stadium.
  4. People keep saying Tomalin should buy the club, what if Buster has slapped an absolutely outrageous price tag on it? Which he probably has. if Tomalin wants to buy the club and invest in a new stadium and it wont happen because Chapman is asking for way too much then you can absolutely understand why their fans are against him. at the end of the day, it cant be worth much at all. Its a failing business in a stadium that isnt theres. A few rider assets which are next to worth next to nothing anyway, along with a couple of tractors and an airfence? It is more than likely Chapman wants to sell it for more than he paid for it and Tomalin being a good business man wont pay the money for something that he feels isn't worth it. You could view it as Buster being a good businessman and wanting to make a profit too i guess but seeing as he has no intentions of moving the club to a new stadium, and this being there last at the Showground, I would be pretty p****d off as a Peterborough fan as well.
  5. After this season, it really is time to make it one big league now. Forget North and South divides, throw all the sides into one league and if it means 5/6 rider teams, then so be it. Bring back a premier trophy style comp to start the season. Split teams into 3/4 groups. Race all those fixtures before the league starts. Have no gaps during the season and a fixture every week. Fans are the backbone of the sport and its high time the powers that be listen to them. Fans want a team of riders who they can associate with their club every week of the season. Not once every three weeks and seeing their riders riding for other teams. Guests every single week. Its just a farce how its currently ran. Calling meetings off a day or two in advance because of weather forecasts. Baffling. I stopped attending league speedway when Newport shut in 2011 and haven't been to one league meeting since. Don't get me wrong, the set ups were a shambles back then but they appear to be a whole lot worse now than what they were then. Even now when watching clips on twitter etc, you see some great on track racing but the whole presentation in the back ground just looks and sounds a sham. Its time the sport moved with the times. Every other sport has. I certainly wouldn't part with around 50 quid to watch league speedway every week anymore if I lived in the UK. Admission, a few pints and some food plus petrol and parking etc... it would be well worth the cost if it was a modern day / night out. Instead of spending every off season tinkering with silly rules, renaming leagues and competitions and sticking another nail in the coffin, it needs a younger bunch of people who are in touch with the real world who are willing to rip the whole rule book up and start afresh with a view to bringing in bigger, younger crowds. One thing I will say is despite most clubs websites being rubbish these days, the social media is really good. Websites don't matter as much anymore as barely anyone views them, social media is where its at and most clubs do a very good job on that front.
  6. The averages are just another joke of a situation in the sport. I have never liked rolling averages, I remember when they first introduced them in around 2003 ish. I get that they were brought out to stop average fiddling, but they dont tell the full story over a season. Unless they have slightly changed the rules, I am not sure. It is too hard to keep track of them these days. At least Morris has an actual average though and not a converted one. What were Berwick thinking signing Jorgensen on a 9.5?!?! Either way, Birmingham need to re jig that side pronto or they will be stone last. it is essentially a team of one top rider, an average heatleader and five reserves.
  7. Fricke IMO seems to of gone backwards the last few years. I genuinely thought he was going to go on and be a world champion but looks extremely unlikely now. Should be posting much better scores in the UK though. Same for Bewley.
  8. Been saying it for years. it is no wonder fans stay away. I genuinely think one big league is the way to go now - all this bollocks with riders riding for two clubs is just ridiculous. If it means one big league and 5 rider teams then so be it.
  9. Averages are mis leading. Stonehewer held his own for numerous years in a much stronger Gp field whilst Cook had a shot and was well adrift , in a much weaker series. Stoney also starred for Gb in the world cups , again against much better competition. the Premier League in those days was way stronger than the years Cook dominated and was full of top line riders. Every race a heat leader rode was 9/10 against another top heat leader.
  10. agreed, uses this mental health nonsense as a cop out for his shocking behaviour. Guys a complete knob. Wasnt long ago people were hailing him as the best ever premier league rider. He isnt fit to lace Carl Stonehewer or Sean Wilsons boots. Or many others come to think of it. How he hasnt had a proper pasting yet is beyond me, we can only hope that day is getting closer.
  11. Ipswich were always going to be up and down with such a rubbish bottom end.
  12. So lets get this straight. Becker got injured and team was redeclared with Nicholls , now its been re declared again with a still injured Becker ? That was certainly not legal in years gone by, hence how youd see riders blatantly still injured riding half a lap and pulling up so the club could get a facility. Seems an absolute farce but sums up British Speedway.
  13. Lyons main success at Lynn came when they were dominating the old premier league and had top sides which wouldnt of been cheap. Granted nobody expected Pboro to win the league two years ago but Middlo has won a couple of league titles with Poole with a suspect team whilst nobody expected Coventry in 2010/11 ish to win it that year they did either.
  14. Cant be Lindgren as certain Wolves fans are adamant he would never race for anyone apart from them?
  15. Cook still a tw@t then. mental health my a$$. Quicker someone knocks him out cold, the better.
  16. Huge shame with no Pedersen, as I said during the winter he is still world class domestically as proven with a full house against top opposition in Poland yesterday. As much as I have always liked Pedersen though, he hasn't exactly covered himself in glory in the UK for some time. Since his early Eastbourne days, he always seemed to put the UK league further down his list of priorities. Who Peterborough sign to replace him now will make or break their season. Has to be a rider in the calibre of Dudek, Magic, Laguta etc to replace him.
  17. Only a good thing reading about all these huge crowds this season in speedway , see Pboro, Ippo, poole, Oxford all had huge crowds so far.
  18. Bickley is what he is . 2/3 point middle tier reserve and a top third tier rider. Anyone remember Barrie Evans bursting on the scene as a 15 year old? Was exactly the same. Top prospect in the conference at 15, immaculate machinery yet in the PL never got out of a mediocre reserve.
  19. Premier league fours at Peterborougn 1999. Travelled up in a minibus with a leak in the roof, was a nightmare. Didnt get rained off until we got there either.
  20. Its a fair enough shout , however I was just stating on my post that both Emil and Doyle had already been beaten by Basso on the night and Pedersen popping out the gate and beating them was possible. have to look at the team moral taking effect when losing their number 1 in the first race... same as when a team has a top player red carded in footy... heads go down instantly. Id be slightly worried about Iversens form too - i rate him as one of my favourite riders of all time due to his Newport connections but think he may have had one knock too many.
  21. Laughable? Doyle and Emil had both been beaten by Basso who is a 6 point rookie. Id say its more laughable to suggest Pedersen couldnt of popped out of the gate to beat one or both of those, considering how well hes done in Poland so far this season.
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