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Everything posted by Heedthebaw

  1. There’s about as much chance of Jye going back to Edinburgh as there is Jason Doyle being number 1 at Berwick
  2. If they haven’t ridden in a professional league they come in on 5.00. If they’ve ridden one league match in their respective country’s, its 7.00. Unless of course the BSPA changed it at the Annual General Misshap
  3. That would be an awfull team, very, very long tail !
  4. The North West money men have won the battle for Barker and Worral
  5. Thomas Jorgensen withdrawn from the meeting. Is there anyone with more information please ??
  6. Liam went on a pre booked holiday the morning after the accident with Bates.
  7. Bye bye Alex Edberg. Welcome Anders Melgren
  8. If Compton comes in, I'd say you may be getting a replacement for Stead as well ! How do you fancy Barker ? He told someone on Saturday night at Berwick he's ready to come back and wants a team who are in the playoffs, and was seen in deep conversation with Sheffield reps !
  9. Rather silly topic at this moment in time !!!!!!!!!
  10. Sunday's are a BIG NO NO with Berwick council
  11. That I believe was a rather stupid quote from someone who had no right to be making quotes regarding the club and now is no longer there.
  12. Point taken, in my opinion it takes a lot of background knowledge and rider/rules/speedway history knowledge to be effective on the centre green,
  13. That was tried last year or the year before and Steve I believe did not enjoy it, due to his lack of knowledge was left 'dry' on numerous occasions Dick Barrie has his critics, mostly from the idiots that moan about anything concerning Berwick Speedway. But he is Bandits through and through and comes with a wealth of experience, most of his comments are with tongue in cheek and should I believe be taken as such
  14. Goodiepatchie, I've looked at your posts these last few days and you seem hell bent on wanting to see Berwick Speedway close down !Negativity will help no one, yes Saturday was a bad day for Berwick as have been the last few weeks, but constant moaning is not going encourage the riders or promotors very much is it ? Berwick Speedway has seen worse times than we have now and bounced back, hopefully it will again this time.
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