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Everything posted by pointsmeanplayoffs
I like the draft, but my god we are making it complicated. If a rider signs up for it, then he has to go where he's picked.
The fact that there is so much debate on which FTD is best, what set of averages to use etc etc proves how subjective any ranking decision will be so what's the point!?!? Let the clubs come up with their method of ranking the riders and let them make their own decisions. That's all part of the fun/skill/luck of the draft. ONLY the order in which the clubs pick riders need ranking, not the riders providing any protection decisions (no matter who you decide to protect) results in the team going to the bottom of the pile in the next round as I've said before. We sure can make a simple process very complicated in Speedway.
It sounds like it's more than likely that our 1-7 may be the same as in 2014. If we do then I think we'll have the same comparative strength to other teams like we had last season for 2 reasons; i) last year we benefited from having Lambert on a fake average of 3.00 (which he was always going to increase) which allowed us to have to have 2 GP riders as heat leaders with high averages. ii) there are 2 more points to play with this year which means any 2nd string with a pre-2014 average can be bought in on a lower average (I'm thinking Lebedev here) which represents better value than a 2nd string with a 2014 average. I'm pretty sure a lot of riders will be bought into the EL whom never rode in 2014. The team which was put together last season was very smart indeed, you could see from the off that it had potential and was designed with the new FTD rules in mind (could get away with 'weaker' second strings as they had easier rides than before). I just think that we need to evolve, like the rules have, and pick a smart team again and not 'copy and paste' from last year.
Still don't see the point in grading riders. The clubs are graded, you don't need to grade the riders as well?!? If you choose to protect a rider, to me it doesn't matter what 'ranking' he is, you go to the bottom of the pile in the next round? If two teams both choose to protect a rider in Pot A, then they simply get bottom picks in Pot B with the highest finishing team in 2014 going last? It might make people think twice about protecting riders in Pot A...... Pretty exciting this draft malarkey!
£40 a point and scoring 10 a meeting is........decent money! He'd get 5 rides too, mega bucks! Also, any points money could be topped up with 'sponsorship' to make it more appealing I'm sure.
A bit harsh on Lakeside, Adam Ellis fell away towards the end of last season, I think he had a few bad crashes. I remember an awful looking crash at the Showground when he riding for Ipswich - hit the fence on the back straight but thankfully walked away.) He'll be a strong rider in Pot 2 no doubt.
Why do the riders in Pot 1 need to be in an order? They are going to be picked in order of clubs finishing positions after all. Clubs will choose based upon their view of the rider/their asset base/their race night etc. Am I missing something? Pretty sure I read also that any rider from Pot 1 can guest for any Pot 1 rider which seems fair as they are all pretty even to be honest. I'm not even sure Pot 2 needs a grading system this time around. Riders are much closer together in ability again this time around.
You make a good point, success does bring in crowds in the short term. Building an identity, a bond between club and fans is what will keep them coming back year after year when things aren't going so well though. Clubs should have first dibs on their assets that's all, If they don't choose to pick them in favour of 'better' riders that's their choice. Also, it's up to the clubs to develop the riders to a level where they are good enough for the EL and therefore they want to pick them.
Lewis Kerr said last season on a podcast (think it was an EDP one) that he was already planning on moving up into the main body of the team in 2015. You've got to consider the £££ situation for these boys, It would make sense for the Pot A riders to get more £££ than the Pot B if only to encourage them to stay in the FTD programme for another season. They've got to make a living, and need the £££ to keep investing in better equipment if they to progress which after all is the whole point. Back to Kerr, IF he does move out of the FTD programme, I still think Lynn should keep him. Would Robert Lambert be able to move into his FTD Pot 1 berth? He would CLEAN UP riding at reserve!!!
One thing that WILL get crowds back is seeing young LOCAL riders coming through the ranks. It helps the fans to identify with the club. It's absurd that a team might not be able to pick it's own assets in the FTD. Other teams have had a WHOLE YEAR to build an asset base of young riders ahead of this years draft. Don't penalise clubs like Lynn and Coventry for having foresight. Can you imagine AJAX or BARCELONA being told "sorry guys, you have nurtured this young talent for years in your academy but you cant pick them for your first team now as they have to play for other teams who couldn't be bothered to set up an academy themselves". Only in speedway. Assets protected, draft the rest in order of finishing positions. Not hard.
Surely the riders from the 2014 FTD who are deemed good enough for Pot A will be able to secure a better wage? Just hope that a club's asset base comes in to play again this year. Groups seem much more fairer this time around. Kerr may not be the best rider in Pot A no more, BUT I still want Stars to stick with him. Likewise with Rose.
NIELS will return, he loves the place. But, if not then I doubt we can get away with Kenny at 1, especially if the 'only 2 riders over 7' rumour is true, we'll need a true BIG hitter. Nicki P would be a popular choice with most fans but apparently there is no chance of him doing a full season over here. Batchelor is superb around the NA, might be worth a shout?
It's so good it will never be allowed though, Lebedev will fit in it on a 5.00 Ass Av, so they will not doubt up that to 6.00 or something!
No room for sentiment this year, we're 50 years old and it would be awesome to finally win the league. Iversen, Porsing, Bech, Woffinden, Lebedev, Kerr, Rose. Boom.
Anyone know when the Ass. Av. committee will be meeting? Lebedev would be superb on a 4.50 average and would open the door for a third heat leader.
Wanting to keep the 2014 FTD riders at reserve for the 2015 season may be part of the reason behind the rumoured 'Only 2 riders over 7.00' rule. The 'only 2 over 7.00' rule would stop a team having three 9.00 heat leaders and then have 2 ex-FTD riders (on 3.00 Ass Av.) in the second string. We need to ensure there are enough top riders to go around AND don't harm any of the younger lads progression by chucking them in to the main body too early especially when the heat format is being altered where probably the 2nd strings will get tougher heats this season.
Starting to think about what a 1-7 could look like, no point in beginning anywhere other than the No. 1 Niels has stated his concern about the amount of EL fixtures, and I don't think simply 4 fewer makes much difference. Last season, we arranged a few meetings on Thursday's to cater for Niels' Esbjerg commitments so if Niels is still concerned about 28 meetings in the EL, then surely we can come to some arrangement where he misses, say 4, Lynn meetings when there are Esbjerg fixtures? If Lynn are to make a challenge next season, we need to secure Iversen as No. 1 - IMO he is irreplaceable. Consistent, reliable, professional, relentless. Not the biggest surprise in the world considering the 'competition'?!? If only every track had a Buster.
A shrewd signing last season, his success this season depends much upon the new race format as it does for a lot of riders of similar standards such as Porsing, Howarth, Worrall etc If he's a second string versus FTD like this season, fill yer boots lad. If he's riding at 2 in the old format, then I'm not so sure.... The final averages really are a nonsense this time around. If the rules are the same as last season, then riders who didn't ride in 2014 could be shrewder 2nd string signings than any of the above mentioned riders.
Putting the same 7 riders out, week in-week out, on the same race night would help develop a bigger fan base. You need a team to develop an identity. You know that on every other Wednesday, at 7.30, you're going to watch the same 1-7. For me the double up rule has to go OR there has to be some kind of standardisation of race nights whereby certain leagues race on set nights. A little bit off topic I know.
GP-free Freddie replacing Tai at Wolves, and Holder back at Poole instead of the banned Darcy is the likely outcome in my opinion. I'd welcome both those riders back to the EL with open arms, class acts. A pleasure to watch them around the Norfolk Arena when they visit. Niels will still beat them both though : )
What about limiting the FTD to just position 7 in the team, then exclude the the top riders from the 2014 FTD and are all just given their converted PL averages and can be placed in the remaining 1-6? As you can see below, the best 2014 FTD riders PL av's compare favorably to the riders who 'missed out' in 2014 so throwing them all together for 2015 may not be so bad? Would King's Lynn pick Lewis Kerr on a 4.15 average? I think they would! Newman would be a steal on a 3.52 whilst Swindon could get Ashley Birks back on his old EL average which correct me if I'm wrong is around 3 (he has had terrible injury troubles). I think that this feels quite fair? Kyle Newman - PL 5.86 = 3.52 CON EL Lewis Blackbird - PL 6.30 = 3.78 CON EL Lewis Kerr - PL 6.92 = 4.15 CON EL Stevie Worrall - PL 8.07 = 4.84 CON EL Jason Garrity - PL 6.19 = 3.71 CON EL Charles Wright - PL 6.92 = 4.15 CON EL Kyle Howarth - PL 6.19 Ashley Birks - PL 5.65 Josh Auty - PL 6.50
Need an age limit on there for me. Under 25 yrs old at the very highest. The rest are just decent British riders and a different solution, other than the FTD, needs to be introduced to protect there places.
I'd pay good money to watch; Iversen Porsing Bech Korneliussen Lebedev Lambert Kerr Week in, week out! : )
What were the factors which meant Robert Lambert was not on the FTD list last time around? Was it simply down his earning potential being restricted? Had he been as a FTD then he'd have been able to ride in the PL as well, which IMO would have aided his development more than a season in the main body of the EL, especially when he's been riding mainly at 4 which is horrendous when away from home. I think he's done well this year btw, just wonder whether Lynn and Robert would make the same choices again if they had the chance? He's the brightest talent we've had in ages, and I think we need to nurture his talent carefully. Glad he's at Lynn : )
Other than to throw riders names around, there's not much point in putting together 1-7's for 2015 - so much depends on the FTD review AND whether or not the riders are going to have their averages scrapped in favour of a grading system which after the heat format changes this season, seems the only sensible solution to me.