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New Science

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Everything posted by New Science

  1. It looks like Gavan is becoming a bit isolated on this forum as he is the only person who is not disappointed that Tai Woffinden does not represent Team GB in the World Cup
  2. " Am I disappointed he doesnt ride over here or for Team GB? Hell no. I want him to do whats right for him and his career. I want the Brit to be World Champion. Your Words Gavan Are you for real ? Tell me is there any other genuine British speedway supporter out there on this forum who is not disappointed that Britain's best rider Tai Woffinden does not ride for Team GB. in the World Cup ? You're in a World of your own mate ! Either that or you've been brainwashed
  3. Don't think anyone is forcing these girls to do it. Which I could watch every SGP for free from the centre green
  4. Something I else I noticed being at the Gp this weekend. I thought Tai Woffinden rode really well and with first pick in the semi final fully expected him to make the final.Not to be and after a rerun he comes in 3rd and is eliminated. He then proceeds to do not one but two laps of honour on the Warsaw track. The usual rule of thumb is that if you are a home rider and eliminated you do a lap of honour to thank your home fans, if you're not then get off the track and back to the pits.with the others. He may think its ' all about him ' but it isn't ! not the time or his place
  5. Just back from a good weekend in Warsaw. The postponement of the first GP in Warsaw was a disaster for fans and organisers alike but a massive wake up call for Ole Olsen and hais track building team. If anything good came out of that postponement we now have temporary tracks that are much improved , given more time to bed in and crucially tested before the official practice. The racing on Saturday was terrific with multiple lines, no ruts and crucially even gates. Well done to all concerned including the stellar cast of riders.Well done Fast Freddie who has a new lease of life aboard the Gerhard engine,keep it rolling.Who would have thought temporary track experts Holder and Hancock would miss the semis. The fanzone was harder to find than Lord Lucan,the pat down and bag search to get in unexpected and the queue at the beer tent impossible,I left after 3 minutes, about the same time I spent at the Cardiff fanzone last year. The atmosphere in the stadium is similar to Cardiff, its also similar than 99 % of the people in attendance don't live in the hosting city, only in speedway.Travelled on my own but as usual met some really nice people of all nationalities , its a massive plus of our sport
  6. Been having the Tai Woffinden debate with quite a few Brits at this weeks GP in Warsaw. Opinion like on this forum is pretty split. Some see him as the blue eyed boy of British speedway, some are annoyed by his actions and his treatment of British speedway and its fans. The lady I sat next to in Warsaw was a big fan and said " What have you got against him" I showed her the above post and she said " fair comment " Another guy at the airport said the same today. The problem is Tai Woffinden could have 99 % of British fans on his side by just taking the trouble to ride in the British Final and represent Team GB in the Speedway World Cup.I get it that some will never like him but that's their problem. Surely it would be better to have all the British fans pulling for you rather than splitting opinion,I don't think he cares but he should.
  7. The warsaw programme listed Freddie as riding a GM in his profile . oops
  8. Don't think marcell will be very happy. Freddie Lindgren was listed as GM as engine used in the Warsaw programme this weekend
  9. Must admit that I'm on the same page as you. Off to Warsaw tomorrow and my 2 nine foot Tai Woffinden flags wont be travelling. Woffinden has decided British speedway has served his purpose for him and he wants nothing more to do with it. Great while he was developing his talent, National,Premier, Elite leagues. British Championships, wild card to the GP, World cup final. But now British speedway has served its purpose and he's a World star then its bye bye., I'm sick of people making excuses for him, yet again he wants to ride in the World games because its good for him and him only,same as his Elite league cameo last year when he had a blank few weeks to spare us Don't expect this guy to give anything back to British speedway for the assistance it has given him in his career. He has all the excuses in the book for why he can't do a British Final, ride in the World Cup or do a training school,its all hot air, hell he couldn't even turn out for Peter Karlsson's testimonial , a guy who flew out all over Europe last year to assist him. He seems to think he is representing Britain by simply riding in the GP although factually he is more likely to sing Australia's national anthem than the British one. Chris Harris and Mark Loram may never achieve Woffinden's achievements but give me these 2 riders anyday, proud of what it meant to represent GB
  10. Log into your account. click on the downward triangle by your name.click on your account. It will show you your ticket purchases and below each ticket there is an option to download your ticket from which you can print it. Its not that straightforward or that clear. Hope this helps. Did mine today. Every Polish ticket website is different , it is sent to test us !
  11. Best meeting of the season at Monmore this year. The score may look lop sided but the racing was the best we have seen this year. Fortunately for Wolves the positions of weakness in the team were apparent after only a couple of meetings and the management have been very pro active in making changes. . Think this result tonight may make the rest of the Premiership sit up and take notice. If this team can stay fit they could be real contenders . Only concern last night was the size of the crowd,. Crowds have not been great this season but last night there were noticeable large gaps on the terraces.
  12. Amazed away riders at ZGora allow themselves to be passed so regularly up the inside. Nice race suits for ZG , very flashy
  13. You are indeed fortunate to watch your speedway at the NSS. Since 2010 when the new silencers came in the modern bikes demand large tracks with plenty of room to race , ideally flat out all the way round. Unfortunately Monmore Green is not like this,its small with throttle control the major key. I would argue with anyone that Monmore green pre 2011 produced speedway racing on a par with any track in the country. Unfortunately this is not the case anymore ( Wolves own Chemical Ali Stevebrum will tell you different ) . The racing is now poor, riders strung out, mostly gate and go and 95 % of passes are up the inside with riders mostly visitors drifting wide, if you get one outside pass in a meeting you have done well. This is not a criticism of the track preparation,its excellent. The people I stand with now choose not to go on a Monday night because the racing is not good enough not because of double points, delays, presentation etc. This is the reason crowds are down at Monmore, you don't need to count you can see it with your eyes, although its denied by the management deny it. Although i've had 6 years to get used to the new product at Monmore I can't , it still narks me to Know what we had. I will watch less speedway at Monmore this year than any of the last 30. #crying shame
  14. I thought having speedway at Lakeside on a Friday was one of the problems according to Jon Cook, if so why are they still running on Fridays ?
  15. I remember in the late eighties early nineties a delayed start due to congestion at the turnstiles used to be a regular occurrence at Wolves particularly when Cradley were the visitors. But then again they were proper big crowds !
  16. This rule was brought in to stop riders barrelling across the centre green at high speed trying to make the 2 minutes time allowance thus endangering the staff on the centre green. Not for a rider at walking pace going round 2 feet of concrete to get to the tapes in full view and cooperation of the start marshall. But then again speedway fans love been sticklers for the rules
  17. Leicester should have won this match comfortably. Without the ridiculous exclusion of Riss for putting a wheel on the centre green when going round the tapes to King packing up 20 seconds before the start of a heat to the farce of a five nil to the omission of Bates in heat 14 .This was a big opportunity missed for Leicester and Wolves got out of jail. Its pretty clear to see Wolves problem, at least they have plenty of time to solve it. As for the speedway there wasn't much of it, simply a trapping contest of which Kim Nilson was excellent. The crowd wasn't that great either considering it was a derby. Oh well onwards and upwards.
  18. Another excellent season preview edition as usual. from the Speedway Star team
  19. Apparently there were some who couldn't stomach all 15 heats of a free event at Sheffield last night.
  20. Think they will only go back to Denmark if there is nowhere else to go or Ole Olsen can get a mates rate staging fee. The GP in Denmark seems to have found its level in a 12,500 capacity football stadium after coming down from the national stadium (40,000) capacity to Vojens (20,000) capacity. Unfortunately for BSI the only markets with any growth or stability seems to be Britain and Poland. I include Prague in that as it is full with Brits and Poles.
  21. After the first 2 meetings of the year aren't Poole going to win everything ?
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