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Mr Blobby

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Mr Blobby last won the day on December 20

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    Edinburgh Monarchs

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  1. Surely you can’t be comparing a 3 point Roynon to an almost 6 point Thomson. 😂😂
  2. Thomson riding NDL these days is a waste of time the lad got a 5.77 average in the championship what’s he gaining beating kids by a country mile. I don’t to hear the track time rubbish cause he’s been around the block enough now.
  3. Well if you think about it football teams release theirs for the following year before the current season is even over.
  4. Doesn’t mean you need to instantly buy one. Some people will buy them now some will wait till all 7 are announced no big deal.
  5. Doesn’t want to do uk at all, tried him on several occasions.
  6. Crump and Adams you dumped after a year after bringing them over. Doyle and Chris holder both started at I.O.W before Poole and Jack holder started at Plymouth before Poole. As lewy has also pointed out Zack cook started at Plymouth also. So not really invested in the Aussies either, oh dear. So your point is utter nonsense.
  7. I’m sure they’ll make up something up to stop us doing so. As it won’t benefit the clubs in charge.
  8. Not sure we’d have a choice with victor already riding here and previously having a higher average.
  9. 6.00 and a 2.00 would leave Grahn at reserve pretty much all season.
  10. Always going to be someone like him. Not good enough for a spot but more than happy to take a few extra meetings.
  11. Like a Max James and someone new to the league on a 6.00.
  12. Happy to see the skipper back. Good lad who improved loads last year. Don’t see the same improvement this year but if so fantastic. Will be more than happy if he maintains his starting average which is more realistic.
  13. So who’s the poor stop gap till June?
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