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Mr Blobby

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Mr Blobby last won the day on December 25 2024

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    Edinburgh Monarchs

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  1. Ben a few days ago said he didn’t have a championship spot.
  2. Yeah then Scottish cup always near the end. Greatest trophy in sport the spring trophy. Big spring attached to a bit wood . 😂
  3. The return of the Scottish cup it is then to start the season, 4th April. The return leg the following week, good way to get some laps under their belts before the season kicks off properly still would have preferred the Scottish open. However it’ll do.
  4. The side all depends on if Mcgurk can get back to a heat leader standard align with improvements in two of Parker, Lyden and Harrison.
  5. Not particularly bothered seeing he’s only there till June.
  6. Never seen anyone so excited about a rider being used as a stop gap before.
  7. There’s nothing in the rules to say he can’t but the unofficial rules made up by certain promoters will see Grahn start at reserve.
  8. Plan is Victor as both assessed. However think we will get stopped from doing it as don’t think the clubs that run the league will want it that way round. Make up some rule with Victor having a higher previous avaerge or something along those lines.
  9. Track was waterlogged couldn’t believe it started, he went out heat 1 and smashed the track record couldn’t believe it.
  10. Set ups compared to Poland are so different as well, even on bigger tracks.
  11. I don’t think so just through the fixture on the monarchs site.
  12. So the comets home and away on the 18th/19th to April to start of the competitive action. Hoping the season opener they have panned for the previous Friday will be the return of the Scottish open, a title personally used to look forward to as used to get some great fields for it.
  13. Surely best time to face Poole before they bring in cairns.
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