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Everything posted by orion

  1. First all well done to the Stars on a deserved win ...crap meeting tonight will yet again hardly any passing in front of a Spartan crowd ... Ellis and Bradley Dean costing Swindon ...not sure why we got rid of Grondal as I thought he was doing ok and Grasshopper looks poor . On a positive note we are away tomorrow
  2. it's amazing and hard to figure out how it's happened overnight hes gone from a ok pl second string to top level heat leader in the space of 8 weeks..great news for swindon and are take it but how and why its happen can't be explained ..i think everyone is in shock .
  3. spot on why is he getting pick on ..i can't understand what is wrong with not riding in your own league championship and turning your back on team gb when your the captain .Why would people have a problem with that..woffy woffy woffy .
  4. it's not clear at all ..woffy put that forward as his reason that does mean that it's true . As you been asked many times why is he not riding this year then ..the problem with you got is every Time woffiden makes a statement you take is as gospel .
  5. Spot on ...in one way or another it tends to be that .
  6. So lets this get this right ..you been banned about 20 times for being confrontation etc etc and you post this ...do me a favour and look up irony
  7. We knew you lying because we all knew you were coming back ....it a sad cry for help from someone who quite clearly in need of attention and of course you never let us down ..the same as when you had to change how you voted so someone could be your friend .. the trouble is your so stupid you thought people were as gullible as you clearly are .
  8. Says the man who was leaving the forum ever only to come back because it just a cry for help ...not sure after that should you call anyone a liar and that's even before we get into changing the way you vote so it would impress your boyfriend ..but there again when your modus operandi is being hypocritical so one should not be shocked
  9. I doubt that you could lie straight in bed ..its was seen by all on here that after Robert made comments about your family member giving money to loram that you said you would smash his face in etc .you must have had a memory loss .advice to you one don't lie and two dont go on about keyboard warriors when your well known for being just that yourself .
  10. one of the best leagues when he was coming up lol so it was better than Sweden and Poland 6 or 7 years ago ? and your going on . about flawed agurments pmsl. I never said because he was British he should ride here all I put forward was why it's different to other top riders who don't ride here .how on earth can someone who gets banned on here all the time and tells people he's going to beat them up can go on about keyboard warriors has to be the most funny and ironic statements ever posted .
  11. none of them are Brits and all other riders ride in there own league .This explained each time when people put this point forward ..as has been said UK was never crap in his eyes when he needed it but now used it he looks down on it and tests it like crap it's amazing to think people his actions are somehow helping the sport think here .
  12. The question being asked what other riders missed there own league ?
  13. Spot on ...he's made his bed ,
  14. So why he's not riding this year then . He single out before he's not riding in his own league that is pretty clear ...rather than saying what top riders miss our league what other top riders missed there own league ?
  15. Do really Have to ask ? not hard to understand why .
  16. Could he do a good job at running the sport ..the easy answer is no because the moment things don't go his way out come the dummies and he never plays anymore ..on what we seen he would fall out with everyone and quit in a few weeks ..when he starts to act like a adult them maybe then people might listen to him but intill he learns that he's not going to get his own way all the time quite rightly hes not going to get the time of day .
  17. ?? And how has he treated British speedway ? after he used it to get want he wants he treats it like a dog turd on the bottom of his shoe ....do really think people and going to take kindly to his actions ? your view beggars belief ... the bottom line is Tai wants it all his own way and the moment that does happens the toys come out the pram and takes his ball home ..Tai is great rider but for some reason it makes him thinks he can the run the sport and everyone should do as says .
  18. The question being asked was it more fair ..all the facts shows that is not the case as it brings more false results something that we keep hearing fans don't like ....I have no problem if people like the rule because it makes matches more closer let again the facts show that is the case . I Have never seen anyone on here in favour of the double points rule or argue in favour of it ...where the problem lies is people try to make out the old rule was fairer ...the bottom line both were and are mickey mouse and should have no place in pro sport .
  19. And riders dropping points so there team could go to six behind was common place under the old rules .its amazing old fans thought that was ok but when it happened in the world cup they were up in arms about it ..another case of memory loss
  20. Why ? that stats show John Berry was clearly wrong ..you may not like it but the old rule changed more results that the new rule ...they are the facts . Here comes the name calling and the child like smiles ...you can set your clock by it .
  21. Well John Berry was wrong ...the stats don't tell lies ...the old rule changed more results than the new one ever did ....the bottom line is that old speedway fan wants old speedway rule back ....don't go on about it being fairer etc as that is clearly never been the case ,
  22. Really poor place to have it ..let's hope riders come back safe on this dangerous track .
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