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Everything posted by orion

  1. its already sunk ...and the names you put forward were the people who helped put it there .
  2. As has been said before when you on any other come up with any better idea's than guests etc that work with out effecting the crowd let us know ...I am a fan of better idea's that work not replacing no 1's with juniors .. I Doubt you will get in on Thursday as it's likely to be a sell out as Swindon have had the same 1 -7 most of the year ..I must admit it's had a massive effect on crowd numbers at the abbey
  3. The crowd can't have been as people don't like teams like worcs had .looking forward to a massive crowd at swindon this week as they have used less guests this season than they have used in 20 seasons .after all that is what fans want.. the same 7 each week .
  4. I See in the 20-20 cricket finals yesterday Worcs had a player called wood they got on loan to play 20-20 crickets from Notts This same player thou still plays for his parent club in the four game thou ..amazed the crowd was so big seeing the same kind of thing effects the crowds so badly in speedway .
  5. Yea no doubt about it ..once your like that you will never change ..the moment he's out he will become a danger to children . Also I expect he will be back under the forum under another name
  6. Spot on Baggy .it was plain to see what was going on and I find it amazing that anyone could think that what he done was a mistake .No one in there right would have done that on purpose
  7. Zagar racing ? you should have said ...I must have been mistaken
  8. Good racing ? heat 15 was really good and then we had one pass by Morris ..the rest was dross from the gate with riders spread out .There again maybe it was the best meeting of the season
  9. They just done it because was a joke of a meeting almost like a friendly ..as I said no one cares about the ko cup ..the crowd itself was one of the lowest I have seen at Swindon for many a year .
  10. I was at the meeting, they were bad decisions but quite clearly done on purpose ..when you have toff at reserve your are hardly going let him not replace riss and let him go off 15 instead ,,as I said there attitude was one of not being to worried about result heat 14 showed you that as well
  11. Hardly a Howler ..they never cared less .hence why they let riss go of 15m when he touched the tapes ..The ko cup is one big joke
  12. Racing was just as predictable in the past as were the matches. The top riders used to be miles clear of other riders in the old daysand have cma of 11 plus where now you get nothing like that now .As for the racing just like today 90 % of it was from the gate and most meetings were crap but made to feel and look better because the crowds were bigger .
  13. ??? it's pretty easy to understand ...things that worked 30 years won't work today ...surely it can't be that hard to figure out .It's bit like asking the BBC to bring back shows from the 70's because they has 20 million viewers back then .but in 2018 hardly anyone would care or watch them .
  14. Of course I understand speedway was better 30 years ago ..when have I or anyone for that matter said otherwise ? what has been said and you alude to it yourself is that things that worked then won't work now .
  15. I think that go's against what most fans are saying .it's common sense that because of the internet and all the other forms of social media people are more aware than ever on what riders are likely be at a match and that in turn that has can a massive effect on the size of the crowd . Do you really think if Swindon were missing there top two are were replaced say by juniors that people would not find out and it would not effect the crowd ? even by a speedway fan standards that is an amazing claim ..I think it also shows how the older fan is out of touch with things
  16. Pretty clear why .no one wants to see a no hoper be half a lap behind ..plus crowd numbers go down ...not sensible at all unless you like losing money
  17. Poole are not scared of anyone lol well they should be now .good luck to the stars in the play offs .glug glug glug
  18. Surely Pete it not up to the fans to find riders ..it was quite clear form some time ago that Smith was unlikely to beat anyone so we might as well have given someone else a chance
  19. I thought we could not find anyone better than Jack Smith ?
  20. Whoever comes top will pick Belle vue for sure ,and even more some with Bewley missing .Even by speedway fans standards I am amazed to see there is a kl fan who thinks kl should ride Poole in the semis if given the choice. The first thing you must do is get to the final .another example of a fan having zero understanding of the money side of the sport
  21. We have gone into this before ..you could take examples in any sport and make it look stupid if you wanted to but does it really stop major investors or stop fans stop going ? lets take f1 ..major investor turns up and asks what the rules are . he's told that the best drivers get cars that are faster than worst drivers in slower cars and not only that they start in front of them meaning there is about 5 passes per race over 72 laps ...no tv station or fans are going to want that are they ? on wait a min there 100,0000 fans who have just turn up .look at the people who used to go on about the old one off world final and look at the crowds it got ..but then you look at the rules on how you got there and they were stupid but you still had 80k turn up at Wembley . As I said since we got to fixed race night this years and as the stats show they had made a massive different to amount of guests that are used and in some cases clubs had there best stats in 25 years, but have the fans come back because of that ? when the answer is no and that shows that people are not as worried about that than is made out In a ideal world we would have no guests or rr and no double up riders ..but after all this time no one has come up with a better idea that would work without having a massive effect on gate receipts. They made a effort this year to cut down on guests and to make sure that teams had more chance of putting the same one to seven out each week ..and what has happened ? people moaning wanted to go back and having there own race nights back and even more guests .
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