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Everything posted by orion

  1. We gone over this before .last year they brought in a rule of fixed race nights to help stop guests etc ..what did the fans say to that ? well they moaned that they wanted there race nights back ... Swindon etc had the best year in many years for keeping there 1 to 7 intact last year ,but did it help the crowds ? not at all ...Speedway biggest problem is that the standard of rider has dropped, sadly even thou that is quite clear most on here what to lower that Standard even more thinking that 7 crap riders who turn up every week will bring the crowds in
  2. Just caught us with this ,just another sad and standard tale of someone who is hooked on Herion . Once your hooked you become a different person and will do and anything to fund your Habit even if it means hurting your family My heart go's out to his mum who quite clearly will not give up on her son no matter what he has done .
  3. Quite ..you would think that Phil would have had better things to do than pick up on a minor choice of words .
  4. Matt Ford stays then ..speedway clubs are worthless I doubt you could give them away
  5. Ward no doubt had the talent but because of his lack of brain power I doubt he would have able to hold himself together to win a Gp Series ...one of woffy skills is how plots his way round the series risk free picking up enough points to win overall . As for Holder never been a fan of his and I rate him as one worst World Champions
  6. No you never made one point you also said that Collins left World class riders in his wake in races and woffy could not do that as well as saying that Collins bikes were not faster .. Do you forget what you wrote sometimes ?
  7. I did and it's double dutch .. you keep saying Collins can do all these things what Woffy can't (even thou that is not true of course ) and then you say that he's not better than him . It's quite clear you think Collins is better than him and if that is your opinion stick to it even thou most of it is based on fiction
  8. Of course you are. you keep saying Collins was the only rider out of the two who can leave class riders in his wake etc ..Thou quite clearly Woffy does that Gp after Gp
  9. I doubt Wyer and Stanci are anyone near the standard of riders Tai beats up week in week out in the Gp's ..to be honest it's shocking to behind them in the first place ..you can see how much Collins bikes are faster are as well .
  10. Do you ? ..you said I was like the dim one in Bevis and Butthead ..both are as dim as each other ..only one idiot here and it's you .try to get something right for a change
  11. Both Bevis and Butthead are both dim ...yet again making a comment about a subject you have no idea about . I Expect you never knew that because you only had it on in the background
  12. Or having speedway on in the background .
  13. Why would I be sorry ..you made a comment that was based at the time on no facts and as normal you just made stuff up again ..a bit like saying you don't watch speedway on tv anymore only to make up that you somehow now have it on in the background
  14. When has he said he watched BT sport ..in fact when did he say he watched speedway on the net ?
  15. You don't watch it thou ..you have it on in the background
  16. Teams are going out of business anyhow ..I don't think there is much to lose
  17. You have to pay for it ...if you don't like or follow a sport anymore and you want to have it on in the background do you really think you would get it for free .
  18. If you want a great night in next year get Bt Sports put the speedway on but don't watch it just have it on in the background
  19. You said before that never had any of the channels and you never watched it ..now somehow you do ..nothing to do with opinion your just making things up as you go along
  20. Why the rant ? my point is simple if don't watch speedway like GP'S and Polish speedway etc it's impossible to have an opinion on Woffy and todays Gp's ...now all of a sudden after telling people for years that you don't watch it somehow it's now on in the back ground and you still get a speedway magazine . Next your be telling us you go on a speedway forum thou you don't like the sport anymore
  21. Yet again you tell everyone that you don't watch or follow speedway so how do you know ?
  22. It's not an opinion is a fact ..I think it's been explained to the older fan a million times but they can't quite grasp it .
  23. But you don't have any knowledge of what is going on today as you don't watch it or follow it ..so your opinion is worthless
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