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Everything posted by orion

  1. I would love to see a 2 team 7 man final but due to running an event in one place over a week it would be lose to much money for it to happen. Maybe the big top 5 could run with this format 3 going into the semi -final the other two haveing a race off to join them ,then two semi's and a final, yet again thou if the host team is not in it would there be a crowd ?
  2. Yea live updates the riders are now looking at the track as the rain pours down craig watson who has taken nick pedersen place at the last moment is shakeing his head meeting off
  3. Why would poole on any el club want to run a cl team witch is bound to lose you a fortune and put your club at risk ? Been done before and it don't work
  4. Well no need to keep haveing to plug it all the time then the reason you are is because the ticket sales are poor simple as that .
  5. Maybe just maybe they like to support there team so they don't bust rather than fill riders pockets who no longer want to ride in the uk. It's called being loyal to to your club something that some in this line up would know nothing about .
  6. The likelyhood that the poole meeting will have half the field pull out before the start and the chances are that is likely to be cold of even belting down with rain and has a good chance of being called off . The poor tickets sales show that people we wait intill the last moment to check weather the riders will turn up and keep an eye on the weather .to buy a ticket in advance is madness.
  7. Thats why you feel the need to come on here and tell people to buy tickets for no reason . The word is tickets have been slow up to now and there be will plenty left on the day .
  8. In other words the ticket sales are poor so they tell shovlar to go here and give it a plug .
  9. Wow maybe there trying to make money ? Maybe mcdonalds should sell there burgers at cost price
  10. Who wants sit down in the middle of march ? i thought the tickets for sitting would be cheaper to freeze to death .
  11. Why would anyone buy a ticket early ? half the field won't turn up anyhow so your likely to get ripped off . I remember the line for tricks farewell meeting gollob ,hampel etc all riding and then so guffs turn up on the day instead .
  12. Shame they can't get money like that for the elrc will be good if bjane could win it v his old club
  13. Well done scotty just go's to show he was the right pick for the wildcard and for first time he never had to miss a gp in a season . If only he had 2 homes gp's like some the rest maybe he could make top 3 .
  14. I think they are bringing them back for linback and doyle .
  15. Well done ulamek you lost your teams two league titles in a week .
  16. What a great night for pl riders and fans to meet the mighty rosco must be worth just coming for that .
  17. Because if had two in the uk nicholls and harris would finish in the top eight every year and the poles would have no one quite simple really .
  18. I bet he's glad to ride for the eagles he can miss as many matches as he's like without getting the sack . Thou nicky is the best rider in the world no team will ever win anythink with him in it .
  19. shame he not proud of the eagles . Great champion thou he is he's took piss out of eastie and there fans all year .
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