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Everything posted by orion

  1. Nothing sporting about 4 riders pissing about for 4 laps not careing who comes first or last thats anythink but sporting, the fact is people came to watch a 60k winner take all final and it never happen . If ford or the bspa had anythink about them they would ask for the money back as any deal for any race in any sport leaves a sour tasteand there no place for it .
  2. What ? you ask a question on what was wrong with spliting the money and i gave you an answer if a rider had won the meeting and then gave it to the srbf or lobbed the money into the crowd great he's free to do want he he wants to do with it . The fact remains it was a winner take all evert and when those riders came to line for the final it was not.
  3. Easy the meetings was run under a winner takes take all event the richest 60 seconds in speedway the fact is it was not .
  4. they ride for love of it . It they don't ride or care for the money no need to do a deal in the first place .
  5. Not a question weather any riders deserve some reward or not if that were the case they should have prize money from the 1st to 4th to start with. No matter how you dress it up the meeting was bill as the richest 60 seconds in speedway but it fact with a 60 k winner takes all prize when in fact it turn out to be not that at all . If your getting the same money for coming 4th as 1st you not going to bust a gut are you ?
  6. Sportmanship ? i call it conning the crowd . So if speedway matches and open meetings are fixed it's ok as long as people don't find out about it .
  7. Pretty shockin day all round a piss poor crowd watching gate and go racing for the so call richest race in speedway only to find that in the final riders had cut up the money so the race did not even matter . If this happen in any other sport that the sportsman were cutting deals before the start then would be kicked out of the sport ,people paid good money to watch that only to find that the final had been fixed .
  8. Zabik first pull out of the season won't be his last .
  9. Plenty of tickets still left just turn up about 5 mins from the start and walk in saves waiting in the rain .
  10. Change the word can't instead of won't . Some people who watch speedway with children don't have the choice glad to see that your alright thou
  11. I think they will reheat all the meals for monday night
  12. Good post trackstaff a great meeting but the tickets etc have been a real balls up why call it a 60th birthday bash of poole speedway if kids and familys can't go because of the price of the tickets ? Matt ford felt that he could sell the 5500 tickets at £ 25 a pop and make a hugh profit but he fail even after his years in speedway to understand what type of people go to the matches . Maybe ford will star in the remake of chitty chitty bang bang as the child catcher
  13. So your chargeing a booking fee to people who have not even booked anythink ?
  14. Better off locking them in than out shows what state speedway in if can't even sell 5,500 for a speedway meeting of this class . Chargeing full price for children and the £4 pound booking fee has put most people off and ford was left haveing to try to scared people into buying tickets . People who pay on the day can now save £4 they would have to pay by booking tickets much better than saveing £5 on watching a meeting they can't go to
  15. Zagar a great team man Thats like saying harold shipman was a great gp .
  16. Don't want it to be a failure steve my axe is that tickets sales are going well the fact is they are not promote by all means but don't try to scared people into buying tickets when it not going to be a sell out before the day . Speedway is a family sport and needs young people to watch it 25 quid for a kid is a rip off end of story .
  17. What a dumb post i know plenty of people at swindon who take there kids who know nothing about speedway for i family day out i tell you what thou if it was 25 quid they would not bring them. As for laying it to rest people have tried before next week no doubt another press statement telling up to hurry up and buy tickets before they run out even thou there are plenty left .
  18. The meeting is a good one no doubt about it and i think on the day people will turn up to watch it but the fact remains at the moment the tickets sales are poor hence the matt ford weekly press statements telling you to buy your tickets now . Good luck to ford on the meeting a forward thinking idea but lets not ham it up about about the tickets sales as at the moment they suck and its not going sell out .
  19. 50 years of dads army as well this week .........don't panic mr ford don't panic
  20. I told you belle vue would come bottom how more sensible can one be
  21. I don't think the fact that rico rides for eastie will stop wolves fans haveing a go at him Just means he might not get the defence he once got .
  22. I wonder if there are gp wild cards being given out at the british final ? if so David Howe must be certain to take his place at cardiff .
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