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Everything posted by thecoombdog

  1. Top, top post and sums it all up perfectly.
  2. Now I know you are on the wind up. He said he made 4 good starts because he made 4 good starts. What was he going to do. Lie?! And unless Bomber was starting from under the fence he didnt alter his gate at all. Thats where Woffy nicked his dirt from. Bomber made 4 awful starts because 1. Hes gash 2. He cant gate anyway and was off the worst one. I think 99% of speedway fans know Woffy wouldnt need to cheat to beat those 3 chumps in the final.
  3. What on earth are you on about. He was unbelievable in the 2nd half of last season. Beating top riders at home and scoring points away. He was the most improved rider in the league last year IMO. He is guaranteed a place at Swindon on ability. That post is going to look very silly in Oct 2014 when he has put at least a point on his average.
  4. Well said mate. You wont meet anyone more committed at making a go of it in speedway. 100% trier, never lets a team down and like you said a quality bloke to go with it. Provided plenty of entertainment for his teams fans down the years.
  5. More like you dont want to penetrate any of the team GB boys where as MJJ is the king of your w@nk bank. And I thought you were a poole fan now?
  6. Yeah I'm pretty sure thats how we all work when doing rider match ups and points totals esp when a team is running RR. Maybe we should keep that to ourselves though in case the bookies read this and are onto us! £50 on over 4.5 goals at 2/1. No idea what to place my £50 free in running bet on though!
  7. Sounds like a good system!! I suppose this system has never been shared with anyone? One thing I know is that if someone is only talking about winners and posting these winners after the event then the reality is that they are losing heavily.
  8. Ah ok fair enough. So the market was there you just doubt that the bet was ever won!
  9. Sorry for the late reply on this one. I'm into my punting big time (speedway and most other sports) and didn't release there was a thread on here about it. Whats this about someone saying they had a bet on Poole to win the double? I can't recall ever seeing odds at the start of the season on a team to win the KOC. I always back a team to win the EL and a rider to the win the world title so I watch the markets closely at the start of a season so i'm pretty sure this is bullsh*t. Apologies if this has been answered back in the thread but I can't be arsed to read through it all!
  10. Ben Reade will be the last reserve if the paperwork goes through for the yank. Good team that. Will be a lot nearer the top than bottom of the league.
  11. Plymouth Kangaroos could be your nickname next year!!!
  12. Yeah sorry about the term you lot! That came out wrong and I have now changed that post. The fans were loyal to all the riders last year just as the riders were loyal to the fans by turning out every week. The problem from 2012 has been removed and I'm sure 2013 will be better for you all. If any fans deserve a change of fortune at their club then its Plymouth fans.
  13. Well said. Plymouth fans will probably never know just how loyal he was to the club last year and taking on the captaincy just led to more problems that the other riders didn't have to deal with. It wasn't just a case of turning up and riding his bike like it was for the others. The fact he turned up every week and gave 100% every week says everything you need to know about him.
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