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Everything posted by dontforgetthefueltapsbruv

  1. Lets hope that you are right and something positive does come out of this. It would be great to see two superb hard but fair matches in front of two bumper crowds.
  2. very constructive and oh so helpful. Hopefully there will be some (positive) news re Adam soon.
  3. now needs a visit to the local library for an urgent words transfusion!
  4. So this description of events is now pretty much as most had posted yet got shot down by Monarchs fans as biased against Cook. ie some posturing, a few words and a bit of a scuffle - silly but no big deal. Then Cook lost the plot in the room with the ref. Not quite the premeditated scam set up by big time charlies at Ipswich that was the theory put forward.
  5. I don't necessarily agree with their comments as I haven't seen the 4s incident in order to form a definite opinion on it. They have stated their opinion and it is hardly libellous. As for the rest of it with that level of paranoia it seems that Edinburgh mental health services should be gearing up for some overtime!
  6. I've just finished having a look at the Monarchs chatzone comments re last night. It seems the Witches management 'made scandalous almost libellous comments in the programme', we are seen as 'big time charlies' or 'spoilt little brats' who 'expect the league to bow to our demands' and most hilariously the general opinion was that 'the whole affair last night was a premeditated scam' :rofl:
  7. Any meetings will tag onto 2012 as part of his ongoing rolloing average wont they?
  8. Puffed up chests,big egos and fast mouths are one thing - both guilty of that and both fined I understand. What in the real world could well be considered as common assault and criminal damage are something quite different - one rider guilty and one rider banned for that
  9. I once heckled David Norris on the parade at Eastie saying I hoped he had remembered his stabilisers after he had fallen 3 times at Foxhall 2 days earlier.He gestured back in the way that way you would have auditioned for the old Nescafe adverts! Fair play you give you take it!
  10. And the provocation was ? Genuine question as I havent been made aware of anything that would warrant the reaction.
  11. Perhaps the Monarchs fans can polish his van with their keys again !
  12. Everyone smile nicely and be very polite to Mr Cook and then no one will get hurt and everyone will have a nice day Upset him and well .......
  13. Its a shame that the fact the Witches have qualified for another cup final has been overshadowed by this incident. I know Barker is a rider that gets under the skin of many and is far from being a paragon of virtue but it seems Cook just lost it. Obviously there was a tense atmosphere given recent events and the importance of the match but heat 1 was largely uneventful between the pair especially as it seemed they were each doing their best to finish last! Im on the 2nd bend so the following is a description from those in the pits.At the pit gate a bit of a back log and Cook barges Ben who says wtf? and then bam a flurry of unprovocked punches follow. Serious as it is I am a bit surprised that he was thrown from the meeting.I can only assume the ref felt it would pose a significant danger if Cook continued. It did spoil the contest.
  14. I dont think so - they didnt look like the type that could read.
  15. Monarchs fans around Bens van at the end - stewards needed to escort him out. Lots of staring and mean looks but no words or actions. Scary stuff!! Lol
  16. Correction was Barker on the floor. Hands faster than brain - a bit like Cook!
  17. Heat 2 delayed whilst the ref takes Cook and Barker away for a chat! Had to wait for Cook to pick himself off the pits floor first though! Edit - Cook thrown out of the meeting!!
  18. Congratulations to Adam on his nomination - deserved recognition for a great start to his career. This sort of meeting will test his progress but more importantly will be a great learning experience.
  19. I think this could be as tight as a gnats chuff. A 7 point+ victory needed and it may well come down to heat 15. Witches to sneak it - just.
  20. Pull the other one!! Richies 'real average' would put him at No 1 at all but a few clubs. His rolling average has allowed you to field 4 7 pointers that in turn has made r/r more manageable where you have (unfortunately) had to use all year.
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