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Everything posted by dontforgetthefueltapsbruv

  1. and perhaps he should have been in the World Cup team as well....hindsight is a wonderful thing.
  2. Im having a bit of a shocker this year! Do I get a wildcard for 2014 - I was on the rostrum in 2012!
  3. So if Middlo was asking for a run off and you feel aggrieved this was ignored then presumably you think Middlo should get the pick (?)The fact he would have had a run off shows he didnt know who he would pick (groundhog day!) Who would be in the run off or would there be a series of run offs!? Who needs a run off - they have all had about 100 races in the EL this year what would 1 more prove?
  4. From the tone of your posts it seems you dont think it should be Danny. If not why not? Who instead and why?
  5. There are no qualification rules for this type of situation. I have no idea who made the decision but Danny would certainly be the most consistent Brit outside those who have already had a GP chance.
  6. It all depends on whether 'the management' actually think there is a real problem. From before the start of the season I had advocated Leigh at 3 and Rohan at 5 so I 100% agree with SBs order. In general team spirit this year seems much better than in many previous seasons so its far from all bad.
  7. I take it you dont like my opening comment!I certainly wasnt belittling Ryes injury situation which has been the worst of any in the league. It was more that with so much scope within the points limit at the start of the season it could have been possible for Rye to be title challengers IMO. Injuries have forced changes and proved other options were available that may have achieved that. Rye have been competitive DESPITE an under strength starting line up and the injuries and have therefore shown they may have been capable of much more. My comment really was a compliment as on the face of it Rye should be stone cold bottom of league given this set of circumstances.
  8. Rye have shown at times just what may have been possible with just minor tweaks and a lttle more ambition. Agree with Shadders that the injury situation could go a long way to deciding which way this one will go. Would love to see the Witches pick up at least a point to keep up the 'perfect' record. Im going to go for a draw but just for RocketBen1 Witches by 20!
  9. Rule 20.4.12 paragraph D All British rider heats are banned at Elite League tracks.In the unlikely event of the possibilty being set to happen 1 one MUST be withdrawn and replaced with a foreigner who has failed the entry language test. Wink.(Sorry Sam!)
  10. Didnt realise first up that JoJo got a few rides too.Need to say 'well done boy' or his dad would never forgiveme!!
  11. Just looked in on the scores - a big pat on the back to Kyle for his great score and putting in a real challenge. I hope Adam enjoyed the experience and has put a valuable lesson in the memory bank. His time will come of that I have no doubt.
  12. Hope the day goes well for Danny - a genuine good guy and always a pleasure to watch.
  13. Id say thats a good call from a competition perspective.However the winners miss out on potential bumper crowds for the semi finals.
  14. From my childhood I have vague memories of a bright pink flared suit - is my memory playing tricks on me?
  15. All open to interpretation and there in lies the problem. The first rule allows a guest even when the rider is not at No1 when normally only r/r available. But as at 7 in the averages a guest is the only option anyway so potentially irrelevant. The second rule covers who can cover for a number 7 and the average is irrelevant. As for Lewis not be elligible under rule 2 why? It doesnt state it has to be a rider solely riding in NL does it? Only NL qualifying and never had a PL average above 4. Lewis rides NL and has never achieved 4+ in PL.
  16. those cunning rule makers didnt plan for the genius that is the Witches eh!! I think Lewis fits within both rules anyway
  17. That rule I believe covers 2-5 in the team. So if Adam was at 2 we could chose a guest when normally only available for a missing no1 or if two riders missing. The reserves are always a guest but have different rules for who can come in for each position! Ive never understood why a No7 should be treated any differently but hey ho!
  18. Mills and Schramm have both averaged above 4 at PL level previously and Douglas is not NL elligible which (I think!) makes them all inelligible. As clear as mud!
  19. I find it hard to believe that he would lose money even at normal PL rates. With a lower than expected score of say 9 he would get £500. Perhaps he doesnt trust himself not to cop another fine!!
  20. This is where we need to get the rules right. For the No7 it is a NL 6 pointer as far as I am aware. I dont know if that is different due to it being an international event. We dont want to do a Kings Lynn!
  21. Only value baked beans on toast for a fortnight for this lot! Lol
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