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Everything posted by dontforgetthefueltapsbruv

  1. A tidy little piece - but thats enough about Susanna what about the interview! I thought Tai came across really well highlighting his family sacrifices his injury battle and his tats. Good on ya fella!
  2. possibly - she was certainly impressed with the size of his gong!
  3. Perhaps the Elite League need him/Leicester next year. Where as for 2013 it would have meant a smaller slice of the Sky pie perhaps in 2014 the Sky pie is dependant on an expanded league.
  4. I think the EL needs to expand to keep Sky on board. Can see a couple of teams being tempted if they can get the right sponsorship. Perhaps then a new albeit reduced deal could be on the table.
  5. many a true word in jest. perhaps wrong team but right league.
  6. Best wishes to Cam who has had his wrist op today. Spoke with Bruv and fingers crossed it has gone well. Rest up and see you next year fella.
  7. All that working out and Im hearing the limit will be 42.40 next year! wink!
  8. indeed no need to write any situation off when you can just write another cheque.
  9. Whatever the rights and wrongs of the 'shennanigans' that Poole are accused of when you look at what has taken place on the track (loose description) tonight only one side has really turned up.
  10. piratandis birthday is soon - no presents just donations to 'guide dogs for the blind' wink
  11. Agree -The cheer goes up as you see your team gaining points not because a rider has fallen just as it would for an engine failure.
  12. This could be all over tonight if the Brummies dont regroup quickly. Track is a disgrace - same for both sides perhaps but still awful. Does the sport no favours. Come on Ben!
  13. Somerset fans with hearts in mouths there! Inches from their season being ruined!
  14. So we've had a lovely spell of mostly dry warmish weather when you would hope that whatever you would want to do with a track could be done. So it seems fair to assume that Poole wanted a patchy overwatered bumpfest to stage the biggest meeting of the season on!
  15. Interesting to see your comment about Rohan being prone to crashing -probably fair comment by the way - yet you see Kozza as a replacement option! I think there is improvement in Rohan but he could be a Ricky Wells type where he steps it up at the higher level whilst not really excelling at PL. An almost identical record to Morten and few more passes. Away improvement is the key for Rohan. I would expect him to be back as he is our new asset base foundation! Ben has by his own admission been a little disappointing in terms of raw points return but for entertainment I have him every year. Cam is a must and if his signature isnt already on a contract get it done now! A possible 9 point man next year IMO. Ritchie could be a bargain at under 4 but will he still be riding anywhere. A lot depends on whether he can make it pay. Morten is Morten and perhaps too much is expected from him. Could be argued that his attitude caused the issues that ultimately cost us at the sharp end of the season . Leigh done pretty much what was expected. If you want some level of consistency Leigh is most likely to provide it. Adam I would have back - he will only get better. He was never likely to live up to the hype some placed upon him. I said anything over 4 would be superb so in my book he more than done his job. A few have mentioned his lack of passes but Id say thats unfair given his limited experience. If there is no massive change from this year I would expect at least 4 of this years team to return. Others to consider. Auty Rosen at the top. Sneddon Wethers Nielsen lower down. Everyone would want Lambert of course!
  16. if thats Ipswich few if any will complain -if its Plymouth or anywhere else we would say thanks for the memories and wish him all best. whatever will be will be.
  17. Will be a self fulfilling proficy if your team share your lack of belief.I can understand you not wanting to big it up only to look silly if it doesnt work out.Perhaps thats the advantage of being neutral
  18. and earned deseved plaudits and best wishes for a return to the higher level next year. I think the Diamonds will win by 20 today. Also Rye showed Somerset are beatable today so the group is still wide open.
  19. Premier league average is lower. Isnt that what you use for double upper?. Or as usual take your pick of what suits. wasn't sure which emotion icon was most suitable!
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