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Everything posted by dontforgetthefueltapsbruv

  1. Knowing the rules 2 years ahead sounds good in principle but is too open to abuse and manipulation.
  2. Part of the blame (if there needs to be any) lays with the authorities - Nick Morris for example seemed ready to make the pledge but was not offered any qualifying place that wouldve confirmed his allegience and hence rode in the Oz champs instead.
  3. I dont know I dont go to football. I believe though that persistent offenders clubs have been threatened with sanctions. Why would this be if they were not ultimately responsible? I dont want to get into a back and forth on this as I think the whole episode has been overplayed. There a far more important issues at hand this winter.
  4. 10 minutes? Is it the same principle as 10 heats? Can a result be declared? Was Speedway ahead at the time or should we push to continue?!
  5. Agree with this. IF and WHEN something wrong has been taken place it is the COLLECTIVE responsibilty of all promoters to take action. Lets face it its not just Poole that have been 'dodgy' many if not most have been involved in a situation that could be questioned. The fact that the perception is that Poole have tried and succeeded more often is irrelevant to a great extent.
  6. I disagree - the Poole fans are the responsibilty of Poole Speedway. An extreme analogy but who do you think are punished when hooligans rip out seats at football grounds? It is the clubs even where individuals are not caught. Hasnt there also been lots of 'we done it for our fans / the fans are our club' type rhetoric when describing the win? Cant have it both ways. That said I think overall this is a bit of a storm in a teacup. I doubt an isolated incident such as this would actually threaten Birmingham Speedway but Id also say thats not a risk worth taking so I can understand the stance of both sides. Speedway may well have many more polarised debates over the next few months that need to be resolved in order for the sport to stabalise and rebuild. Lets hope these debates can be more constructive than much of this thread or we may end up with nothing to debate in the future.
  7. If he has raced top league in Denmark wont he come in on a higher average anyway?
  8. So it just a few days since the final and everyone is still raving about the spectacular nail biting end to an exhilarating EL season..... Oh no sorry I got that wrong - its endless pages of pantomime style oh yes it is oh no it isn't 'debate' about whether an air horn ban is 'an issue'. No wonder the sport is struggling. To have any chance EVERYONE from the occasional fan to the chair of the management committee needs to pull together rather than bicker with petty point scoring.
  9. I believe that any rider requiring a visa has to be provided with accomodation and subsistence funds (£150pwk?) to meet the visa criteria so a good number already have some 'guarantees'
  10. I think you could simply have an average average. Convert the PL points to a El value(60%) add to EL points and divide by total rides from both leagues.
  11. IF Sky stick with it I can see it being on the basis that their outlay is no more than just the production costs. The clubs would get no Sky payout. It would then be down to the BSPA to find a headline sponsor to bridge the gap. At the moment the second part of that sounds pie in the sky(pun intended) but stranger things have happened!
  12. Ive got a feeling we could be looking at 2 leagues not 3 next year. Each pitched between the current EL/PL and PL/NL. That makes picking a team difficult. Need to have a few variations to suit the possible set ups.
  13. souless but successful - perhaps some would say thats why it appeals to Mr Shovlar. I of course wouldnt be so rude! wink.
  14. Doesnt matter what team you build Rocketben I will still predict a Witches win by 20! winking smiley!
  15. If the first leg is called off presumably they will forfeit a home leg? There would obviously be no other option available to them going by the comments on here! wink
  16. In the pits after I heard it commented on by a few that it was slicker than any other time this year.Perhaps just a result of recent weather??? Agree with the comments about those that gave it a go were genrally 'rewarded' with dropping a place!
  17. Covatti was good value- he certainly didnt hold back! Scornicki showed hehis moments but was far from dominant. He was the only back row rider to make up ground before he conked out. An interesting rather than exciting night. Well done to Morten - winner because his equipment lasted where no one elses did.
  18. I can see Edinburghs frustration as they have ready to race for a fortnight. However I remember last year when Ipswich were ready in June for the cup semi and were kept waiting til September by the Monarchs. Funny how opinions change when the boot is on the other foot!
  19. Cam update.... First check went well - bone knit already better than would be expected so soon after. Also has more movement than expected at this stage. New cast fitted. Good news - just needs to take care and do as little as possible with it!
  20. I agree it would be good to see a new face or two but would you fly a young scandinavian over ( for example) for a one off meeting that could well be at risk weather wise (thankfully not today as it turns out) The cost would be high with no likely additional on the attendance. Im not sure if there are many if any unattached riders touring round for 'second half' rides at present that couldve been included. The field is a solid PL ( mainly) line up.
  21. I cant believe there was ever a meeting that Ebdon gave Ipswich anything but grief!! I was only 11 at the time so dont remember the details of this cup final.
  22. Team A Team BBarker Skornicki Covatti Worrall R/R R/R Lawson Howarth Risager Harrison Compton Doolan Hawkins Mills Thats stronger than most PL matches would have so not such a poor field in that context.
  23. surely its down to Somerset todecide what they want and for Edinbyrgh to fit in around them. Of course a Redcar shock and its problem solved!
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