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Everything posted by dontforgetthefueltapsbruv

  1. Could it be any rider that has come through the NL system at anytime then?
  2. 12 teams and 14 home league matches ???? Perhaps the LC will count in the main league table? Hardly fair if you a tough group!
  3. Effectively they will only be oaying 5 riders! Looks a right hash up to me and glad we are out of it! Barker out Howe in and we are under the limit.
  4. So can Adam ride in all 3 leagues? If not how does he benefit effectively only riding at NL level? From his development point of view surely he would be best on the PL.
  5. Lambert had indicated he wouldnt ride NL so wouldnt be elligible for a reserve berth in the EL if he stuck to this decision!!
  6. So with the new rules it must be 99.99% sure that Adam will be at Lakeside - but can he ride in all 3 leagues?
  7. agreed a points limit reduction is only a one season solution and only when the number of teams alters. A norm of 42.5 is about right and if conditions allow trying to tempt a few higher end riders back in future then 45 or do would be a way forward but again only for one season.
  8. The continual reduction of the limit is a myth. It has not reduced in the last few years and will only reduce next year if there are a number of additional teams - which will only be because it will be closer to the actual average due to the teams joining from the PL having a EL converted total of under 30 (unless 12+ top liners are added) Also a 50 point limit in the 80s is pretty much the same as todays 42.5 when you factor in the fact that the old 50 limit included bonus points.
  9. A few being a bit harsh on HRFans I think. It may or may not be 12 teams but IF it is then the limit needs to be around 38. Without an influx of a dozen or so higher end riders then a 42+ limit would mean disaster for the newcomers. This is not going to happen as the cost of such is the whole reason for the changes. Leave things as they are and not only do the new teams not move up but a number of the existing would want out and the Elite crumbles anyway.
  10. Just a thought about Ward and Holder - if they dont have a contract to ride in the UK how does that affect their residency rights?
  11. Doesnt the fact that he has just raced in the NSW U21s show that Brady Kurtz is an Aussie and should be on a 5?
  12. To put matters into perspective the Chris Holder earnings from just one Polish meeting would just about sort things out. (ps I am not suggesting CH should pay for it!)
  13. Id expect there will be more tuned in at midnight in 2 weeks to witness the start of the Ashes than watched the EL final hence the size of the Cricket deal and the fact there is no doubt of its renewal.
  14. I think Sky would class almost exclusive coverage of domestic and international cricket as a major feature as well.
  15. Foreign riders maintaining at least their starting assessed average is a good idea and one that quite a number on here have advocated.
  16. indeed and if true it would say much more about the person making that choice than SS.
  17. Given your point about how to help British riders (foreigners maintaining initial assessed averages) in another thtead its interesting that you see 3 low average foreigners as important to team building plans.Seems that you are also a turkey that wouldnt vote for Christmas!
  18. In a perfect world yes I agree - but what is the likelyhood of Sky saying do X and we will give you Y within the next 2 weeks? So I would say plan for nothing to be forthcoming unless the above scenario is already in the pipeline. The big danger would be to set out a structure on a 'promise' that then doesnt materialise.
  19. Why would Sky sign a new deal without knowing whats on offer? Surely its down to the AGM to set out Speedways stall and then Sky (or any other) can decide if they want it.
  20. not under current rules.PL comes first unless the fixture is rearranged.
  21. I think you are missing the point made.I didnt mean those fans had the power to enforce anything. But now that the money has run out many on here are saying we need to pull together which wasnt the rallying call previously. With regard to the money generally it has been squandered whichever route it was funnelled down. Too late to worry about that now.
  22. I will play devils advocate here for the PL - where were the 'we are all in it together' EL fans when the Sky pie was being cut up and the PL only got the crumbs off the plate? That said I do think the all in it together attitude is needed right now tv money or as more likely not.
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