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Everything posted by dontforgetthefueltapsbruv

  1. because he is an inconsistent starter which it seems is rather a handicap at Leicester.
  2. the last alteration was more political than statistical though. If nothing else it would be interesting to know what last years true ratio was. (for those of us that are calculator nerds anyway!!)
  3. How about naming Kerr and Lambert in the top 5 allowing a powerhouse top 3. Given that they would have most heats against the reserves and other second strings they could still score good points.
  4. I was saying Manzares would be a risk for an EL side. Id say he is well worth a look at PL level.
  5. A figure of 4.99 always seems to be quoted whenever his name crops up. If his head and equipment are right he could add 2 points to that IMO. If not he could fail to even match it.
  6. Perhaps this something the British authorities should remember when assessing riders coming in the other way.
  7. Masters has been labelled on other threads at 7.43 so unfortunately that top 5 wont fit even with two 3 pointers. As promising as Manzares looks a 5 point EL would surely be too much of a risk in the new set up.
  8. I see from the international thread that Gino Manzares won the meeting in Perth beating Rohan and Doyle amongst others. .If we did go with a new overseas rider he would have to be top of the list.
  9. Hopefully Lakeside will give Adam the same sort of assistance that they undoubtably will be to Bech. I certainly would like to see him back at Foxhall. There is a spark of something extra in Adam that not everyone has . Where that exists in a youngster British Speedway must nuture that if it is to have any chance of regaining a position higher up the world pecking order.
  10. It must be easy to reassess the conversion rate. There were plenty of d/u last year so it would be a good sample size. Total up all the scores in both leagues and find an average average and see what the real ratio is. The biggest problem is having the correct info.
  11. The way I see it is so long as he maintains a PL average any rider can continue evrn if it was the full 12. If he had a year out then if would be reassessed against the EL average and anything above 7.2 would prevent re entry to the PL under the current conversion rate. Technically it could be possible to average less in the PL than the EL.
  12. On a more positive note I heard yesterrday that Leigh had a check up on his shoulder and although there is still some tendon damage at least there is no need to operate. Intensive physio require until tge New Year and he hopes to be back in a Witches racesuit in 2014.
  13. So it looks like Somerset home and away once a month this year for the Witches!!
  14. Given that the points limit effectively fell by 10% just add 10% to any 2013 average for a redeclared rider.
  15. thanks to the abbott via the Newcastle thread - issue 38 of the averages S Worrall (in Recar) - 3.00 I say tell them to take their league place and put it where the sun dont shine!!
  16. I have numerous glossy advertising pamplets land on my mat each week - those delvering them dont knock on my door and expect 3 quid for them though!
  17. I had assumed Steve Worralls average had dropped to 3 but his outgoing aveage shows as 4.24 on BSPA site. The sample size reduced through the year so it will have altered. Anyone know what it is officially and if so what it is? or dividedby 0.60 - take your pick!
  18. Woffy Scotty Danny Harris Bridger Kennett Barker Cook Worrall Auty Howarth Lawson Stead plus the 20 allocated so not too far off the 50%
  19. they will not have to be in the NL in 2014 - some may well have been NL as far back as 2011 and still be on the list.
  20. Just checked and his outgoing average does show as 4.24! May be different now though as the number of matches used fir the rolling averages was reduced through the season gradually from 36 to 24 by the Sept set. He would therefore have dropped some 2012 matches meaning his 2013 zeros would have a bigger impact!! No idea what his average actually is now though!! Edit Not sure how many of his 2013 matches were PL rather than LC (which dont count) Clear as mud!!
  21. Doesnt want to ride in Britain because of the workload and definitely wont ride for anyone other than Poole but would quite like to take someone elses place in a few early challenge matches so he can get fit for the GPs and other matches all around the world!! Whilst wishing him all the best for his recovery healthwise he cant have his cake and eat it as they say.
  22. No need to apologise. Certain usernames soon ring alarm bells after a while. Have your salt pot ready to take a pinch with most of their posts!
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