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Everything posted by dontforgetthefueltapsbruv

  1. Id expect the Brit rule to remain at least for next year although it may 'evolve'* *just checked my dictionary - the current definition is 'to manipulate as suits eg the workings of a speedway promoter' (smiley of your choice)
  2. Posted by others on the Ipswich thread that Rohan Tungate has his visa (3year) safely in place.
  3. I wouldnt be so sure. With Rohan and Cam hopefully continuing on the upward curve we would have a solid base for the lower 1-5 assuming the current reserve plan stays in place.
  4. Spot on. Id say there a confusion in some posts between someone with a disability and someone whose disability means they require a carer. Just because someone is disabled doesnt mean he should get a mate in for free but when it a genuine requirement there should be no question.
  5. Have to agree with this one In his early days he was competing with and beating Leigh Adams in the U21 and was subject to a bid of £15k. Not too long after he was pootling around beating no one.
  6. Imo only Doyle would fit with the quoted criteria in the Alan Jones post.
  7. Thats a dodgy looking straight line!! Drawn to suit the results he wanted Id say!
  8. Note the winking smileys!!! Its a tongue in cheek reference to the other benefit meeting issue thats been rumbling recently!! Its a shame the pair of them will pull out of the testimonial but of course its only right they ride for their own team even if its only a contrived pre season challenge. As for Morten having the meeting he must qualify or it wouldnt be happening. Its then up to people to choose if they wish to attend.
  9. Just as well as I don't think Somerset and their fans can take much more bad news!!
  10. Where have you seen this Phil? If it is the case then hopefully its not serious. As critical as I have been about the saga around his average I am actually looking forward to seeing him in the PL. From everything that has been said about him and the few bits I have seen on Youtube it seems likely he will add something to the league.
  11. Im sure it has been mentioned that all clubs have to hold one of these sponsors licences in order for even a rider from another team on such a visa to ride at their track. Is that the case or just a bit of BS?? Doesn't say that they have to be proven to be any good though does it just proven. So they could be rubbishe so long as its proven!!! (Before any body jumps on this Im not saying any of them are rubbishe (Im too polite for that) - its just shows that its not only speedway rules that can have the interpretation twisted)
  12. not offended at all. Does perhaps show why you get the response on here that you do in that you presumed to know what someone elses opinion/response/motive was and gave it before they had a chance themselves. Shown again with the next little spat with the doctor. Unfortunately this means when you do have a good and valid point it goes unnoticed as all people see is "another Gavan post'
  13. Doesnt Speedway have a built in fail safe for the bookies re time delayed streaming? Its called the two minute warning. All they would have to do is close bets when it was sounded.
  14. To be honest Gavan it was Steves view on my post I was expecting given it was him I adderessed. Id say your view is well known especially as you have made it yet again! If Steve wishes to reply great and if not its his perogative.
  15. We dont know that there will be a charge or what it will be if it is. My point was answering the possibke total cost for the given scenario which I felt was flawed - unless every bet was a dud
  16. would only cost that much if you lost every bet. If you were watching 6 nights a week I would hope you would learn a bit and do better than that!
  17. I will start by saying that I am glad that Havvys date has been left unchanged as that was only right and proper. But I will play devils advocate re attending from far afield aside from a dedicated few who wouldve been there regardless of date time and line up. You seem very definate Steve that you would attend in those circumstances. Can you confirm that had Havvys meeting been on the Thursday in Redcar that you woukdve been there.
  18. Proof that Semion is from Norfolk - tucked in his thumb and used his fingers to count to 4! (tongue in cheek smiley)
  19. Thanks for the copy/paste Abbott. Good news all round. Now no rider has to choose. Hang on what about the international challenge at Kings Lynn?!
  20. IF Havvys meeting is forced into moving (which seems likely at present) it wiil be interesting to see if those riders who said they will snub the ERC still do. Surely that would be the way to show their backing for him - turn down the ERC invite even if its not on the same night.
  21. Jason (G)Crump - a great racer and one of the most consistent of all time at world level but always seemed miserable to me.
  22. Id expect it may be the Polish TV that are most interested but they need broadcast/production logistics so Sky involved. So we will have riders booked for a benefit meeting having to pull out for a pre season challenge for the convenience of Polish TV.
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