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Everything posted by dontforgetthefueltapsbruv

  1. Surely this is little or nothing to do with the BSPA as the decision is in the hands of BSI as to how wildcards are decided. The BSPA could lobby for a certain set up but ultimately can insist on nothing .
  2. Possibly - although I hope not. Id be more than happy to see Kozza and the others granted places.
  3. The tier 5 criteria appear to rule out it being used for a PL rider as its wording includes (to paraphrase) 'being established at the highest level'
  4. No apology needed.Quite a coincidence re the finding god connection between the two!!
  5. Luckhurst a Brit as far as I know.The finding god story is a bit of an urban myth but was certainly the story at the time.
  6. Perhaps this is the solution to the FIM/SEC problem. Nicki Pedersen can ride SEC and No5 in the SGP! Nicki not in both then!
  7. Priority it seems is -Asset Premier Elite National unless of course its a rearranged fixture and then the original fixture trumps all.
  8. Given ch958's opinion of the literacy so far on this thread this one may be the best option for colin!!
  9. A History of Ipswich Speedway - The first 50 Years. (Authors Feakes and Barber??) John Berry Confessions x 2 (Retro Speedway)
  10. So Bunyan could choose 1/2 with underneath (a lap behind) edit smiley of your choice to show no malice intended!
  11. A lot of talk about protecting the reserves from heat leaders but I have concerns along similar lines- Protecting a weaker No7 from a strong No6. With the rationale for this change(allegedly) being rider development it would wrong to allow one to replace the other in the 2 non reserve races. To do so would only give further advantage to those teams with the strongest picks.
  12. Just as well your post was so insightful and added so much to repair the damage then eh?!! lol
  13. So Poland says jump and we should say how high? Not in my book we shouldnt! Its billed as pre season due to the Pokish slant but its actually 2 weeks into the British season so always bound to be other meetings going on. These are planned in over the winter so the Poles cant expect to just snap their fingers and take their pick.
  14. A little worrying about Cam particularly as early signs were positive. Not a lot of time left before the season starts to allow a full recovery.
  15. The Poles were planning to go to Peterborough so this has not been in the plan for over a year. Kings Lynn only became an option in the last few weeks long after all the other fixtures were planned. Do you think NKI and Bjerre would've agreed to ride in the Risager testimonial had they been aware of a fixture for Kings Lynn? However don't be too critical yet until all is confirmed. As has been pointed out there has been conflicting info re dates ie Saturday 19th which doesn't exist. You may yet get your chance to attend on Saturday 22nd.
  16. and of course whatever the reserves average it wont matter as they will not actually be given an official CMA.
  17. A good positive piece. Very ambitious to set his sights to out perform Siggy and Cookie. If he can get half way to that Ill be happy to be there to see it. Cant wait for it all to get started now!
  18. Nice new avatar Blu Everyone entitled to an opinion whether it be after 41 years or 41 days. In fact sometimes the view of someone with a fresh eye can be much more incisive than the 'experienced observer' But if you have an open mind and a positive attitude you will learn much more than being negative and blinkered don't you think?
  19. As an aside one faciltiy that has been added at Foxhall is a wheelchair viewing platform between turns 1&2. There is a sign stating wheelchair users +1 carer which of course is no indication as to whether or how much they have to pay. Taken literally your point seems valid but what is the likelyhood of little Johnny having interest in such a performance without the input of his parent/carer? There is also the world of difference between the legal responsibilty of a parent/guardian to that of a disability carer IMO. I have some recent experience here in that 2 weeks ago my 9 year little Johnny required a full price(£72) ticket to see Warhorse at the New London theatre Drury Lane.
  20. looks like that little Aljack sized hole on this thread has been filled?!
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