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Everything posted by dontforgetthefueltapsbruv

  1. You could try getting a journo pass via your updates position.
  2. Put a lanyard round your neck, carry a clipboard and a tape measure. Stride in with confidence pretending to be a council official - I reckon youd get away with that!
  3. I dont think it would be right for Bates to return to the draft list for this year. If Poole or any other team needs to make a change it should be from those remaining plus the extension (any details of those added??)
  4. What does everyone think as to the riding order? Worrall Manzares Heeps Risager Tungate Ellis Hawkins That would be my pick.
  5. I think the non EL riders should be riding for expenses only. The benefit they are getting is pre GP practice.
  6. would make a great human interest story - old man chooses condemned section of stadium as new home declaring "anything is better than Sunderland" Sorry WK couldnt resist!!
  7. A very good point and this is where some extra thought was needed earlier to prevent such potential manipulation. Perhaps when making a change a riders average should be recalculated up to date and the lower of his current or starting average be used. This would stop both the overperforming second string being ditched as soon as his average rises and the underperforming heat leader being ditched just before his average falls.
  8. and there was me thinking it was just a case of the lower rider nunber that got red or white and norhing to do with who was the top rider.
  9. Something that is very welcome to my mind as it will actually give team managers something to think about. Opportunities to make a difference in recent times have been limited and perhaps required little thought eg shall I put my No1 on a double against a weaker pair.
  10. No thanks -he is an Aussie and has ridden for Aussie so should remain an Aussie. The strength or otherwise of the current crop of Brits should not influence this. Also I dont think he should ride in British Final or qualifiers for the same reason as stated above.
  11. Guilt only in the context of accuations being made and defended re being blinkered etc not any actual wrongdoing as such. Loyalty to your own side is no crime in my book. But could you honestly say that had it been Peterborough for example needing 4 points to overhaul Poole that you posts following that meeting wouldve been "Fair play Boro - that was the right result for Speedway" or would it have been more like "how was that meeting ever allowed to go ahead in those conditions?" With regard to the Lakeside qualification by default scenario I actually agree that wouldve have been an unpalatable situation but it wouldve at least resulted from the correct course of action being taken as to the running of the meeting from a safety point of view.
  12. Unfortunately for you here Steve I would say that your description of events actually would be classed as 'evidence for the prisecution' so to speak. In your own words: The conditions were atrocious. Neither side wanted to ride. At any other point of the season it wouldve be called off and rearranged. Belle Vue were happy to go along with any decision made. The only reason it took place is that it was Pooles only chance of ensuring play off qualification. That reads much more an admission of guilt than a sturdy defence. Where I would agree is that other teams indiscretions are quickly forgotten but that maybe because those situations are an exception for other clubs rather than the norm as is perceived by many for Poole.
  13. But they are still most likely to want to rebuild the house to sell on and recoup monies even if they wont be living there. Perhaps those locals affected will use all legal means (planning etc) to make it as difficult, expensive and time consuming a project for the couple as is possible.
  14. I think with the expanded fixture list that the averages will sort thenselves out. The top riders will always just that and will be only marginally affected IMO. The lower heat leaders if they do struggle will swap with the better performing second strings and then each will have the opposite rides and matters will even out. The reserves of course dont attain averages and are unaffected. There could be a situation where a second string may look to come in behind their reseve partner to help keep themselves at second string level.
  15. Im waiting for the 'When will teams announce their riding orders so we can assess the impact of the new race format' thread! Should be good for a few more pages of frustrated angst! (Big tongue in cheek smiley)
  16. There is one further sad twist of the knife should this couple ultimately get their way. When they rebuild the house it will likely take at least 6 months of constant noise and nuisance. Lorries,mechanical mixers,sawing ,hammering etc etc Thats about 1000 hours at 8 hours a day 5 days a week of noise and nuisance to rebuild their house. Or in context about 20 SEASONS of speedway!!
  17. So Joe Jacobs has been sold to Coventry. Only time will tell if this is shorted sighted or a wise move. Good luck to Joe for 2014 and ahead.
  18. Would you really expect the Stocks would want to run twice a week? This is effectively what it would be (given the months run) if Speedway was pushed out. I cant see that myself. I also cant see that the Stocks would run midweek. Part of the reason Stocks get good crowds IMO is that its weekends and not every week. Id say the rent and refreshment takings from the Speedway is good business for them. Coventry Stadium sold today it seems and the greyhounds already moving out as no new lease expected. Unclear as to the impact on Speedway and Stocks (if any) at this time.
  19. Good luck to Cam for his op today. We need him fit and firing if we are going to be challenging this season.
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