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Everything posted by dontforgetthefueltapsbruv

  1. but it wasnt completed - due to the rider injury so is irrelevant. As with any redeclaration the rider has to ride or the initial declaration stands. Even if we do assume it was done and a guest allowed then how could Smart ride on Weds - he would be higher in the draft than his replacement and therefore inelligble to guest.
  2. Rolling averages can mask the true picture pointed out in the quote above. For Taylor his 5.99 starting aveage would have still includedmatches as far back as 2011 when he actually ended on 6.99. Following his comeback in 2012 his true average was 4.99 in those final meetings. So he would be dropping high scoring meetings from 3 seasons ago and including his new lower scores from more recently. Id say he is performing exactly as expected at present with the knowledge in the background he COULD do much better as he regains confidence.
  3. Its seems Tungates participation has been requested by the Aussies although understandably Louis is far from happy and is resisting.
  4. Any confirmation available as to the Aussie line up? Reports in England are that Tungate has been calked up at 24 hours notice which would mean he misses the Ipswich PL fixture. Anyone have the latest?
  5. Attendances are very much a cloak and dagger subject in speedway. I have never heard of any official figures being published and often where numbers are hinted at they are either suspiciously high or low to suit the spin of the provider. FWIW at Ipswich my estimate would be a hardcore of around 900 with the norm being around 1200 and the bumper bank holiday levels as high as 2500-3000.
  6. Has to be a general form basis rather than just Elite otherwise how woukd you slot in riders such as Wright who wasnt on the original list and hasnt been riding Elite.
  7. In the S Star Bates did make a lot of travel time element which would point towards BV.
  8. Lots of questions and we will all just to wait and see for the answers. Whatever those answers are Im sure there will be pkenty on here that arent happy with them! It will interesting to see what date Bates is returned to the list. Also whether he returns in a higher position given his u21 success. Will he be returned to the list on a guest only basis (at least initially) as others who were added have been? etc etc
  9. Are you using a smart phone?If so it may be as simple as turning off and turning back on. Works for me when it happens as you describe.
  10. Solid all round performance. Determined efforts and a well earned win. Didnt expect to see Ritchie again after that heat 2 crash - credit to him that he done so well despite feeling so crap! Track was much much better (thanks Bob) It cant have been easy given the state it was in at the end of Good Friday.
  11. Hope you make it Baldy.The team need to take a leaf out of your book tonight too!!
  12. Must admit I missed the line "except where...." before my previous post. So what I thought was a sensible safeguard is infact like a chocolate fireguard!
  13. The grading issue is where a side may be prevented from manipulating the replacement of an over performing second string with a 'genuine'heat leader.Eg (sorry Poole!!) bringing in KK for a second string wouldnt be allowed. (assuming the top 2 are already graded A and KK would be also)
  14. Glorious morning in Ipswich - warm and bright. Im actually hoping for a bit of cloud so that the track doesnt bake. Dont want to see a blue groove tonight.
  15. Not a description of Scott that I would recognise.A tad harsh IMO even allowing for the fact I could be a little biased being an Ipswich boy! NB - who can blame anyone wanting to punch a Kings Lynn fan!! (joke!)
  16. Auty has done significantly better on recent visits though.Howe is always good at Foxhall and Jorgensen has had a couple of excellent visits. If Douglas shows any of the form he has so far it could be a good battle.
  17. Crunch time for the Witches - this is where 'the real' season starts. Scunny have a core of riders that have a good records at Foxhall so its a tough test of what the Witches are really made of. Im expecting them to rise to the challenge and run out winners by about 10. According to the Witches site no news from Scunny as to whether they will use a guest or r/r.
  18. Lukas Dryml not too long ago rode abroad and in the GPs whilst a facilty was used in the UK.
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