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Everything posted by dontforgetthefueltapsbruv

  1. Well thats my Leicester virginity gone (albeit via TV) I must say the meeting wasnt as bad as I expected although that may be down to my very low expectations! The chances of a pass are all but nil without a big mistake being made. The shape is definately all wrong . Not sure there is much that can be done about it though without almost starting again which must be highly unlikely due to the expense. Tinkering with the inside line would make bugger all difference. Some 'entertainmentt' tonight from the high speed spills but thats not I want from my Speedway. Im sure most home fans will go home happy tonight due to the comeback win and you could argue thats all that matters is that enough continue to feel that way. Overall though it left me with one thought in my head - Leicesters revival no doubt can be considered a success but just how much better it couldve been had the planning of the track been equally successful.
  2. looks like just let a drunk loose with a trundle wheel to mark the white line
  3. Disgraceful that the start marshall let Doyle start outside of 2 in heat 10
  4. Great motivational interview from Norrie Allen there!!
  5. Chris is very much part of the Sky presentation team. The screenshot for the Sky Twitter contact for example has the mugshots of Pearson Tatum Charlie and Chris. He also of course has control of the 'Inside Track' box of tricks big screen on the TV progs. He does a very decent job of it too IMO.
  6. Congrats to Greg. Great race to finish a really entertaining meeting.
  7. Cant see any Polish and Swedish clubs being interested on this showing.
  8. no such problems for me - no one stole my sofa overnight. Stick the little un on your shoulders and make engine noises - it will be like he's on the top deck for him! Enjoy your day mate.
  9. Totally agree but an improvement to 5+ wouldve been seen as exceptional. To be averaging over 8 and have his rolling above 6.5 by July is something no one wouldve predicted.
  10. Come on Blobby you've missed a trick here! Masters and Fricke! wink
  11. No rule re an exclusion for not racing anymore so no chance for a Monarchs exclusion and rightly so. In the debate about the decision I failed to congratulate the Monarchs. Well done to Masters and Fricke. They showed why they have as a team produced the string of wins this season battling through when it looked stacked against them and then taking the opportunity that arose. I could argue that I didnt agree with the exclusion in the final but one thing I would never argue is that Edinburgh werent deserving winners.
  12. it could be argued he was clever until he hit Morris - at that point cleverness turned to being lucky.
  13. theres actually no such rule as 'first bend bunching' at all only an unsatisfactory start. So going by that there should actually be a lot more exclusions. If you think there had to be a decision then Id go with the fact that Fricke rode across and hit Morris so Fricke had to go.
  14. once they entered the bend Morris had to keep it wound on. To knock off the throttle in the deep stuff mid bend wouldve just seen him catapulted into the airfence. There was contact but no way Fricke could be excluded. All 4 was the right choice but not made.
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