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Everything posted by dontforgetthefueltapsbruv

  1. Any news on Leigh yet? What was the main concern for him to need to go to hospital? All the best to ya fella - hope its not too bad.
  2. Nicki had been passed and was looking for the contact. You cant go for a cut back from a position like that. Ref was conned. As Vaculic said Nicki was a good actor.
  3. Look at something like theOptima stats for football - if fans arent bothered why are they produced? I could keep my own records but it would be time consuming even just for my own team let alone if I wanted to check on another. I say its unprofessional from a team point of view as I would expect them to know if the details are correct and to assist in planning for changes etc. Id say its time to agree to disagree on this one.
  4. Dont see myself as a moaning keyboard warrior - its not enough - those figures are the bare bones - no total points and no total rides quoted. Even if you had those to have an informed opinion you need to have the full match history to know what points totals and rides are due to drop off. If the figures on the BSPA website are all team managers have I would be very surprised and if any team manager was happy to only have those figures I would say that is unprofessional. To have the full details readily available should be simple and straightforward.
  5. Another example of the sport keeping its fans in the dark. The totals used for rolling average calculations are not made readily available let alone the breakdown. If they were then it would be simple to assess how likely one rider was to switch places with another.
  6. I agree that finances are a factor in whether changes are made as much as success. There is no point winning the league if it breaks the bank.
  7. Personally Im torn on this one. In many ways the change seems obvious but I also have a strong thought that we need to give the British youngsters a better chance. If we drop Adam now what message does that send about British Speedway in general.
  8. Matt Tiramasu has been released by Rye - should we be considering offering him a place?
  9. I think he had no option but to stop it even if Gino was clearing the track as he had hit the airfence. The ref cannot take the risk as to whether it has been damaged and therefore potentially unsafe.
  10. Adam seems to be really struggling with his starting. Each time tonight within a couple of yards his view was of his own front wheel. If he can sort that out then he will be right in the mix. Surely this is where he should be getting the advice and input from those with the experience.
  11. I dont think the tapes were being held for a particularly long time. They did seem a bit loose and were flapping about a bit too much. IMO this is what caused so many problems at the start.
  12. Wouldve been a travesty had Glasgow lost this one. Cant say that the Witches really even deserved the draw - got very lucky in 14 although I dont think Gino threw it down to get a re run.
  13. havent got a copy of the regs to hand to check but from somewhere in a dark corner of my mind I recall something along those lines.
  14. wasnt Greenwood in a previous declaration?Reintroduction not allowed without MC permission.
  15. I think that a number of clubs offer reduced admission to away season ticket holders but not when it is their own team that are the visitors! Close to pointless IMO.
  16. Seems to be a general apathy re the Witches on here at the moment. Probably down to the gaps between home fixtures over the last few weeks. So long as the weather plays ball we should now see a consistent run of fixtures and hopefully a string of wins to rekindle some enthusiasm. Hoping for win by about 14.
  17. I take it you are classing Manzares as a no hoper?? You may just be surprised!
  18. so long as the break includes all leagues worldwide Id say yes. If not then no.
  19. I dont think it is that Scott doesnt want to ride for GB just he doesnt want to have to pay for the privilege.
  20. Id say it means if they ride for Ipswich theyll be fine and if they dont its not our problem!!
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