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Everything posted by dontforgetthefueltapsbruv

  1. fecking guest bookings!! Originally updates stated a 'delicate' injury - then withdrawn due to a 'leg injury' - take it that means the 'third leg'??!!
  2. Well those southern clubs (sadly) havent been about to vote no in recent years.There were only 4 'Southern' clubs to vote last year (Pboro not in originally) so if there was a vote last year at least 3 of the current 'Northern' clubs mustve been against the qualifiers too. Too easy just to blame us Southerners!!
  3. looks like you are out voted on this one WK. Seems those closer to the goings on see riders adding 2 points to 2 points and making 0 money.
  4. why do some get so uptight with you when this kind of comedy gold is just one post away!
  5. Morten is a bit of a SBA specialist so at least on a par for Bjerre / Gino for Hall - enough said / rr for Dryml - should be at least on par So overall Panthers stronger for being an East Anglian select. Plymouth need to ride to restore their own pride after last night. I think they will edge out the puddy cats by 6.
  6. so long as Morten and Gino stay safe I couldnt give a stuff what they score and who it helps qualify - thats my Witches vested interest revealed!!
  7. Given that the 2nd leg of the Glasgow/Newcastle QUARTER final isnt scheduled until Sept 28th it could be a long wait for the final.
  8. count me in as one Southerner who would welcome the qualifiers with open arms.
  9. given that the Southern group has only a third of the teams there must be a few of the Northern teams that dont want them either or there woukd be a simple majority in any vote.
  10. Thank you Kyle Newman for ensuring there was at least some contest. The Devils were truly shocking and sadly 25 points flattered them!!
  11. as it is past meeting 10 of the 14 the rules allow the season to be abandoned and the result declared with no refunds due. (tongue in cheek play on the heat 10 rule)
  12. Good to see. Its what he needs if he is to kick on to the next level. Hope it goes well.
  13. The aim should be 60 so the away leg should then be a formality. Will go with Witches to get 55-60.
  14. if the Monarchs want Newcy in the play offs it might happen!!??
  15. one of the reserved dates in the Witches fixture list for the play offs is a Saturday!!
  16. surely that means SK has it right?? If the winners gets nothing prize wise then it only leaves the honour of winning it.
  17. would that be the same meeting that Gollob rounded Adams off the last bend of the final heat to secure the draw? (or is my memory playing tricks on me?)
  18. Certainly looks like mother nature will have a big say. Happy that the Witches wont be top 2. Those with a pick will have the extra pressure of having said they believe they have a better chance of beating those chosen than the others. If the Panthers dont make it or are picked first then it will be a couple of long treks for the Witches whoever they get. So long as the cut off date isnt put back - that would p me off big time.
  19. Well done to the Devils showing that if there was anyone thinking the cup semi was a foregone conclusion they are wrong. Congratulations to Kyle Newman on his paid max - he certainly is showing a great improvement this year. Good to see. Hope Ritchie H can get things sorted. Expensive blow up on Thursday with the head of a freshly serviced engine blowing after just one practice start.
  20. cant see Stevie being in the FTR list next year unless the criteria changes significantly - he is averaging over 8 in the PL after all. Top ranked this year was Kerr at 6.09.
  21. Duplicate thread now deleted so my original post has gone Think it will be tight but hope for a Witches win to keep the confidence up. 44-46
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