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Everything posted by dontforgetthefueltapsbruv

  1. will need that 1.03 to take account for Hansens correct average!
  2. Any team would welcome Adam Im sure. Only the clueless wouldnt.
  3. you may well be full of baloney but lets go with it.....Id choose to switch both reserves. (Adam to go to Glasgow!) Tiramasu and and 3 pointer in.
  4. £40 x10 =£400£120 x 4 = £480 + less maintenance from 4 rides instead of 5.
  5. would love to see him back. He has that something about him that you can see is a bit better than the norm. 2014 was disappointing in terms of average achieved but didnt see a lack of effort or talent just frustrations with set ups IMO.Comes across as the type of rider that will learn and improve as a result. I dont agree that any rider 'owes' a second season for a poorer than hoped for previous one though. The nature of the game is the rider looks after themselves and ends up where they think is best for them - and rightly so.
  6. can always rely on you for a top up. Full of it as ever. wink
  7. and they are sitting there pi$$ing themselves at us blindly seconding guessing!
  8. at least we would get a better pick in next years first PL draft.
  9. how about this then King Tungate Manzares Heeps Hawkins Ellis Rose
  10. totally agree - Dannys career is now over. You never know he could work his way down the ladder to Worky in a couple of years.
  11. that bite was quicker and easier than I expected!! You must have the Ipswich thread on follow - closet Witch - wink.
  12. Surely even if there isnt another penny from the fans the Panthers will run. The Readypower money must make the difference - unless they werent gonna run if they failed to secure a main sponsor even if the fans got to the £40k.
  13. how could anyone produce their best with Jenga on their back. Just needs the right home track.Im sure you wouldnt turn your nose up if he ends up a Diamond.
  14. I agree that Wells is great value on 6.46 and has great room for improvement. Dont think he would out average Rohan but likely better point for point value in team building terms. Lots will depend on if we want to use assets against the extra costs of not doing so. We are not Glasgow after all!
  15. have a second 3 pointer in place of RH and you coukd keep Rohan in place of Wells. A top five of King Tungate Worrall Manzares and Heeps would take some beating!
  16. The fact that Ritchie H has a place on the EL fastrack guest list presumably means he has a PL place. For him I would expect it could be a case of Ipswich or nowhere so........ If we do go with a 3 pointer then Sarjeant and Greenwood would be the choice for me. If neither of those then I would look for more balance. I hope Adam is back but if not I always like the idea of a young Brit. I would be disheartened for us to go with a journeyman foreigner in reserve.
  17. Welcome home Danny! Very happy to see him in as our No1. I thought he would be at Pboro if they ran so I hope Im wrong on that one as I wouldnt want our gain to mean the loss of the Panthers. Gonna be interesting to see how the full 1-7 pans out. At least it seems that all will be revealed quite soon.
  18. Need to get the 1-7 signed before the Glasgow wallet gets topped up!
  19. the new man........not long to wait to find our who!
  20. still only have 42.50 points to play with the same as all the rest.
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