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Everything posted by dontforgetthefueltapsbruv

  1. suppose you proved the bit in brackets then SM! wink
  2. There also links on a thread in the international section.
  3. The main points are that Barker and Worrall signed up for the Argie series and got out there didnt feel too safe and seemed to be asked to pay for more than was promised and have come home rather than ride. The series organisers seem to be claiming the pair walked out without even telling them.
  4. If the 'engine room' struggles then we could struggle to make the play offs but cant see s as low as 10th even in that scenario. If they click then its a solid play off team again and at that point its a bit of a lottery.
  5. it went down last year but had actually improved the previous season your comment is factually wrong. Agree that Leigh will no longer hit the scores of a No1 but still capable of significant improvement on his final 2014 figure particularly if he slots in at reserve somewhere. Few realise just how bad his injuries were last year.He had a bad smash at the end of 2013 which he had barely recovered from to start with and was far from fit at the end when he returned. His back severely restricted his movement which hampered his riding. As an example he couldnt lift an engine from the floor to a car boot but was still riding.
  6. Dont get me wrong my post wasnt meant to be over critical. Sissis is a highly talented motorcyclist but has limited speedway experience. With the right support team and equipment he will get better and better quite quickly IMO but he needs time and patience. Some have hailed him as an instant heat leader and whilst thats not impossible Id say its not likely. Only at the end of the season will we see what he is really all about.
  7. I didnt think the tier 2 riders were graded. In the event of injury I thought the guest could be anyone on the list.
  8. Good effort from Rohan. Looks like he produced his best when in mattered. Shame he didnt hold on for the win in the final.
  9. He only beat 3 finishers in 5 races but Id expect there to be a lot more improvement to come. May not be the overnight sensation some have predicted though. Just as well he doesnt need a visa as on this showing he wouldnt qualify.
  10. appears on the update site now with full expected line up.Some details also in the international section.
  11. Cant blame Jenga for milking this one - after all when you are right less often than a broken clock you have to make the most of it when you are. A bit harsh with how its expressed ( I dont go along with the cheat part) but spot on with the fact its another own goal by the Rebels.
  12. Looking at it from outside Rose is the key. If he kicks on you dont need an out and out no1. Rose averaging 6 would mean a super strong reserve and balance out the top if the no1 stays in the 7s. Wouldnt matter which of the main 5 were at 1so long as that happens or if one of the main 5 drops to reserve. Dont forget even if Worrall averages 7.5 initially his rolling average will drop as he drops the bigger scores from the start of last year. Looks a solid team to me and would expect it to be competitive.
  13. Riss could be a decent signing. His speedway pedigree is perhaps still in question but there is no doubt of his natural talent from his longtrack results. The Monarchs certainly make less mistakes than most with assessed riders.
  14. Isnt it Hartel that Edinburgh are after? Catagna Jr - Paco. I meant Castagna rather than a Lenny Henry catchphrase!!
  15. hes off searching for the west country version of the quirky worky magic converter.
  16. but new assessments should be aligned to the averages being used from last season to ensure a level playing field.You cant try to factor in the impact of a new format for new assessments without adjusting existing second string averages.
  17. given the acknowledged skew in second string averages IMO no assessed rider should enter the EL on less than 5. After all Palm Toft managed 5.2. PS - I have a sneaky feeling you already know the answer to your question Skidder. wink
  18. given the acknowledged skew of second string averages in the EL and the subsequent amended conversion rate IMO no rider should enter the EL assessed at less than 5. Isnt there an independant arbitrator setting all new assessed averages for the EL??
  19. I think the hi 5s and 'banter' afterwards showed exactly what was in his mind.
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