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Everything posted by dontforgetthefueltapsbruv

  1. this poll can be dismissed due to technicalities. 1)the group was set up by someone whom allegedly had an"off duty" brain. 2)doubts have apparently emerged about the calibration of the like counter.
  2. Sorry I dont know then. Sometime in the next two weeks is my best guess!!
  3. the tester being one with official authority is important even if it is a technicality. Look at it from the point of a race. Ward steams under another rider bringing them down. The timekeeper presses his exclusion light button. The decision may well be accurate and the correct equipment has been used but the action has been performed by someone without the correct authority so cant stand. The same applies to a breath test. All hypothetical of course at this stage.
  4. can understand and accept most of that. However I cant see the logic of supressing old coverage that they never show again. If for example all 2014 meetings were now on Youtube there is a chance that new viewers might think I like this and choose to subscribe whereas I cant imagine 1 person who has previously subscribed cancelling for 2015 because they know it will be be on Youtube next year.
  5. As a Witches fan wouldnt want a challenge against Boro to start the season. Already due to race early season in LC so go straight into that comp IMO.
  6. if thats the case it is very much welcome.Even more reason Sky would want to benefit from exposure via multi sources though surely. The resrictions have no benefit to any party as far as I can see including GoSpeed who again would find it easier to attract sponsors with the profile on various platforms.
  7. I would say ask Skidder1 - hes bound to know but.... Or are you going by the old saying "never ask a question you dont know the answer to" to get the ball rolling? wink
  8. which is why IMO the PL should be looking at a fastrack type set up for the No7 position in 2016
  9. Surely if the calibration was wrong then other tests would have produced false positives?? Whether the tester was FIM affiliated is a different matter and would be a point to contend. A technicality but wrong if so. Just as those stated Ward should not get special treatment for being 'box office' he shouldnt be punished just because they dont like him. Anyway its all ifs buts and maybe until the full story comes out.
  10. surely Ruml would be in need of a visa and therefore be a 7 as well??
  11. no I dont think speedway would be better off without a tv deal but dont see any gain of the restrictions. The 7 figure sum??? Didnt think there was any cash in this latest deal. Costs of production covered yes but no cash. Football for sure has more power but surely Sky would be far more concerned with protecting its rights when paying out hundreds of millions as opposed to the relative peanuts it lays out on Speedway. Infact you could easily argue the restrictions are not good for Sky. Surely with the proliferation of Sky logos etc around in Speedway lots of videos/pictures on various sources is better for them??
  12. IF that did happen (unlikely IMO) then I wouldnt be surprised to see him reinstated in the Somerset line up.
  13. So are Sky sueing the pants off Football andRugby clubs using content in the ways suggested on here? Or do those clubs have different contract terms? If so the fault lays with whoever negociated such a restrictive contract and for absolutely no return it seems with the current deal.
  14. with King being a BSPA asset Ipswich should get priority as per the new rule - there are more PL clubs so the PL has a bigger share! wink
  15. tottally agree so long as they were the appointed FIM official tester with the correct and full authority for the event.If not then it adds weight to Darcys case albeit perhaps by technicalities. Edit - just noticed the Ad at the top of the page (mobile version) for solicitors to get you off drink driving charges!! Very clever these filter programs!
  16. the force of your positivity broke the forum BM! winkApologies for misunderstanding your post. Rohans generally has done really well back home this winter. Im sure he will be a bit annoyed at dropping points through exclusions that cost him a shot at 2nd overall in the Oz champs.
  17. IMO he has no PL due to the fast track system and the priority rules as a Lakeside asset.Without the fast track and or the asset priority I am 100% certain he would have a PL place.
  18. dont see that being back in the NL as opposed to securing a PL can help Adam.Im disappointed he is not back at Ipswich for sure. Of course being an asset of an EL friday club makes it very difficult as it rules out so many options. Friday nights for 5 PL clubs means they cant sign him and others are not keen as he could miss half the away meetings.
  19. Look for the positives BM. It brought him in line with the pack and only a few behind Masters in 2nd. He was always going to struggle to get up the standings after his (self inflicted) falls and exclusion in rounds 2&3. He effectively lost a whole meeting out of 4.
  20. which one - the one he learned his lesson or the one thats too late??
  21. Theres a straw - go clutch it!!A total ban wouldnt go against his 'right to work' though would it. He could still stack shelves , pull pints , lay bricks whatever. Realistically the outcome will be a total ban or a clean slate to continue full stop. You cant be a little bit guilty.
  22. I don't think it by choice on his part and the Friday situation and with Lakeside having priority as an asset limits options. Agree with you that PL racing would be at least as, and probably more, beneficial than the fast track.
  23. Very good BP. Hopefully Rohan will be hot hot hot
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