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Everything posted by dontforgetthefueltapsbruv

  1. Agree wirh those highlighting Richie Worrall. Despite his average dropping last year I saw enough to convince me there is a 9+ PL rider within him.
  2. Come on fellas - chill. You're in danger of making the Berwick fans look united in comparison! wink
  3. equally if Lakeside did not have priority then he would have EL and PL rather than EL and NL.If the fast track really is about rider development then the riders interests should outweigh the club.IMO. Surely in a year when Adam would be hoping/expecting to break out of PL reserve into a top 5 even heat leader position to effectively be frozen out of the PL and go back to NL cant be best. Granted the beefed up fast track is better than last year but he could still have had both the best options.
  4. It all seems real again now - not long to wait!! Glad to see the memerial to Billy as the opener. Can still remember the tears as a child when I found out
  5. Perhaps its not the place of a couple of us on here to post a more direct answer! Hypotheticals and the odd riddle is the most you can expect!! You may wish to check the like on post 386 though.
  6. I confidently predict that one of this years big improvers WILL NOT be the good relations between Glasgow and Edinburgh fans. wink
  7. dont paticularly disagree with the principle of your point however the garnering of assets has been skewed in favour of EL in the past (signing riders without the need to ride for them) so it isnt a level playing field. Infact this can still happen with British riders so until that changes such a stuation as you state is unfair. although I said I think it makes sense that diesnt mean thats how it is. After all Brian Havelock thinks Summers is worth £21k so that proves he is not always right!
  8. The signing first makes most sense. The original loan agreement surely shouldnt be adversely affected by a secondary contract.
  9. It could all be a complete above board scenario. Or he could be supplemented from elsewhere - hopefully unlikely but not impossible. Or he could be spending so little on sh!t equipment it balances out - certainly possible by many accounts.
  10. How can this be?? Have I been robbed?? Should I cancel my Subscription?? Just an hour or so since watching AB de Villiers superb world record ODI innings live I have just seen highlights on BBC news - for FREE!! The match is still in progress - outrageous! But seriously doesnt this prove my point about the Speedway restrictions.
  11. I hope you are right with 2 of those - always want to see young Brits and Witches do well.Would like to see Cam Heeps join the list - just getting back to 2013 form would add 1.5. The talent is there if the application follows then.....
  12. My previous comments have been that he has undoubted natural talent but needs the right support and back up to have a chance. IMO that still stands. Whilst I felt some were over hyping I must admit even with makeshift kit his recent showing have been underwhelming to say the least. But as has been said above though there are still 2 months to go and no one (on here) really knows what arrangements are planned for the UK. Gives plenty of scope to fuel the fires of this thread though so cant be all bad!!
  13. come on what do you think - you're Newcastle not Somerset! wink
  14. This may be a silly question but I havent researched at all. With the prospect of fracking for shale gas will this open up any new shale supplies??
  15. but wasnt that his 2nd season with an established average from his first. Edit Just checked the archives on BSPA site Steve Worrall 36 matches for Scunny 158 rides 140 points 3.54 average. So reduction in 12 13 and 14.
  16. didnt Steve have a 3+ average before his leg break and only dropping back to a 3 following his original comeback?
  17. Could only be achieved by a reserve to enable the 7 rides to be taken.
  18. At least this year you will get a facility without a ban being imposed where a rider is missing due to riding abroad rather than having to use a NL rider.
  19. and hopefully ends with a final or two in October.
  20. Good positive piece from Rohan. If he does push Danny for the No1 spot will will take some stopping. The more teams that are near/completed the more I like the look of our side for 2015.
  21. cheers for that. Always intriguing to hear snippets of maybes and couldve beens.The numbers would certainly fit with potential different permutations for the Witches that reached me via the normal chinese whispers!
  22. would be interesting to know who turned down Ipswich.
  23. I can see a few instances of sharp practices on the horizon with certain posirions getting attention from track staff depending on where the home team are due to start the next heat .
  24. Could the quirky worky magic converter need to be dusted off for more use?????
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