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Everything posted by dontforgetthefueltapsbruv

  1. and this is where without revision of the criteria then NO American will ever fail to meet the criteria so long as the AMA have any kindof pkanning for Speedway - just need to hold the right number of state championships even if there are only 4 entrants to each! Edit Do they hold a Tasmanian state championsip in Oz?? If not theres four places going begging there and still time to stage one!
  2. The U21 title criteria has certainly been quoted - if its a red herring fair enough. Must confess cant quote Ginos position in state/nationals but given the number of US riders at any kind of level unless he didnt compete would expect he may qualify there. I didnt say he should arbitarily get a 7 to be able to qualify. IMO Gino is worthy and does add to the PL. However if he doesnt meet the criteria then so be it and we look elsewhere. I have championed pro Brit quotas etc so it would be wrong to argue otherwise. Its that kind of 2 faced/Im alright Jack thinking that has been part of the problem. whoops - he slipped my mind! Edit just looked at GBE section on BSPA site and see no U21 mentioned. Also seems quote "to be abke to ride in 2009" at the top so is it correct? Perhaps there will have been revisions following the workshops. After all there have been indications that the morning was spent with individual promiters whilst the afternoon was a meeting of representatives of UKVI and the management committee.
  3. Manzares is the only American requiring a visa. He met the criteria as national U21 champion and has only had one season. Doesnt the criterua state to achieve the average in 2 years? So even if you apply the 7 (rather than the 5 he arrived on) needing to be achieved he has 2015 to do so. As it stands it doesnt state any rider has to retain the assessed average in the 2nd season if not achieved in the first so he would return on his 6.Now this may change going forward(and probably should IMO) but we wont know until full details of the reissue of sponsors licences is confirmed along with any new requirements which need to be adhered to to avoid the problem again. Now ironically of course if he has to come on a 7 Ipswich may choose to keep him and it may mean a Brit loses a place lower down.
  4. Meeting at Pinjar in Perth. Field included Jake Allen Josh Bates Arthur Sissis MrBeerhut may have a few etra details
  5. Without wishing to devalue a serious and important topic but that description fits one or two that havent had a bang to the head! w
  6. Without wishing to devalue a serious and important topic but that description fits one or two that havent had a bang to the head! w
  7. dont get me wrong I wanted Adam to have a place. My point was that Gino isnt a direct swap as he is 1.5 higher than Adam so it could be argued Adam couldnt do the job Gino is due for.Now if Ritchie didnt have a place he could argue that case as his average is much closer to Gino.
  8. The UKV&I appear to have been very tolerant of persistant and repeated errors before finally saying enough is enough.As has also been pointed out by aces1 above it wouldve been much worse had they pulked the plug mid season.
  9. although looking how the averages fit it is actually Ritchie that has the place that may have gone to Adam.
  10. thats certainly the day that has been quoted on many threads.Not heard if its just a one off or the first of a series of days though.
  11. Good news - lets hope he hets a few chances and manages to take them.
  12. The more snippets of info you pick up the more it seems that Speedway has been lucky to be given the tolerance it has been so far. It certainly isnt a knee jerk reaction. I understand sponsors are graded and those with an exemplary record are effectively just rubber stamped without check except for random dip testing. If they are found in breach their sponsor status is downgraded and further applications will be more likely to be scrutunised. After repeated issues the UKV&I have finally had enough.
  13. just send him a text and its sorted. Thats how it works isnt?? wink
  14. but if Pooke dont use them they can go out on loan.Having them as an 'asset' merely gives them first pick.
  15. But they both started the season with a sub 4 average. Unless there is a change that could be a block for Adam.
  16. Terrible name! Perhaps if they pick up sponsorship from Campbells and change it to the Souperleague it would seem better. wink
  17. Although if the PL werent able to 'take a punt' on a few then the EL woukd also be affected as very few are of the standard for them to go straight in at that level. Therefore there does need to be some tolerance in the system which should be realistic criteria. That probably has been about right. There will always be those that bomb out. Where the tightnening needs to be is allowing them to continueon lower averages and clubs getting tge admin right.
  18. it will be interesting to see if Arsenal manage to gain a permit for the uncapped Brazillian they are currently persuing.
  19. Crossed wires on this one I think - I was refering to him being able to guest or otherwise.The fact he hasnt got a PL place at the outset is down to a specific set of circumstances. If he was then to be blocked from guesting in the PL Id say that would be the disgrace. I hope he does indeed get back into the PL quickly. I thought however with an average over 4 he couldnt then continue in the NL???
  20. cant help with the poll but couldnt resist a suggestion re the gender split. Going by a certain thread in the general discussions it could well be more like 59/40/1.
  21. I posted on the Glasgow thread at the time the takeover was announced that any 'new money 'promotion' seem to be seen as a cash cow for the 'old guard'. This looks like a good squeeze of the udders to me! In the current climate even the top EL riders are not worth that sort of money IMO.
  22. It will be interesting to see how the situation develops with Arsenal looking to sign an uncapped Brazillian. Wenger calling for 'common sense' when it comes to the issuing of a work permit.
  23. When did Ipswich redeclare to go NL? Blackbird moved to ride for Midenhall but the transfer was a swap deal with Ipswich asset Ollie Rayson.
  24. lets hope the 2015 version and beyond are different.
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