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Everything posted by dontforgetthefueltapsbruv

  1. I think Ritchie is borrowing an engine from Danny after his problems last night.
  2. R/R for Gino makes Rohan the key man for me. If we are to get any kind of positive result he needs to provide solid back up to Danny whom you would expect another decent score from as a matter of course.On last nights showing he looked quick and keen. With Starke out it does provide a chink of hope that the lower end could take advantage of. It is just hope though and not expectation. Up the Witches!
  3. Agree with Baldyman that it wasnt the best of meetings - only 2 or 3 flashes of real excitement. Probably partly down to having both Gino and Newman have to pull out very early on - that sort of thing always puts a dampner on proceedings. Fingers crossed they are both OK. Good win even if only as expected. 'Lost' his first choice engine on the parade which cant have helped.
  4. Best average match points for 2nd. So if 2nd in our group gets say 16 points then a team from one of the other groups would need 13+.
  5. his little magic switch allowing him to alter the ignition timings mid race is what I think Roland is alluding to.I dont think the switch itself was ruled illegal - just not allowed to use it DURING a race.
  6. if you think like that you would never leave the house and then you would worry that the roof will cave in.
  7. Even with a win at Plymouth (which certainly isnt a given) we may well still need at least point from the Somerset visit.
  8. Should be comfortable by at least 20 but cant take anything for granted. Its the away meetings that will decide our qualification fate.
  9. and we thank you very much for it! PS at least he made it look like he was trying - its not just penalties the Germans are better than the English at.!!
  10. injured in a pre season challenge so presumably not considered part of the official first declaration is the way it appears.Good that you acknowledge MPTs inclusion as outside the regs. Will be interesting to see if the MC choose to invoke the reg that IS in the book updating averages of MPT and Lambert before 4 home 4 away should a redclaration take place before May 1st. Would seem strange to use a rule that isnt in the book whilst choosing not to use one that is.
  11. accepted - so infact Roynon was never in the official first declaration therefore MPT isnt actually a replacement at all.Of course MPTs average at 4.92 goes against regs 18.6.3 and 18.6.4. There is no provision to use his previous figure. He will be gaining a new 4 home 4 away average and 16.2.9 means the MC may issue a revised MA based upon actual rides if the team redclares.
  12. Lots of talk about retaining MPT but surely its not as simple as that. Currently he is just a temporary injury replacement and not in the formal declared 1-7 so to include him he has to be part of a redclaration. At that point there is provision to reassess his average even if he hasnt done 4 home and 4 away. Given that the formula for rolling averages from May will not include 2013 meetings even if that means using under 20 matches there is a chance the MC could choose to do that.
  13. agree you couldnt have it for the main league programme but could for all other comps.LC - from other groups and thhose knocked out in latter stages. Play offs - non qualifiers only KOC - it is split into 2 halves so if needed in 1st round must be from other half and thereafter only from those knocked out.
  14. I only remember the bricks - the scorechart is already wiped from my mind!!
  15. Id say Mike Bacon has made a pudding using a dozen eggs when only 3 were needed and that The Scotsman is just a miserable foreigner! wink Boro are obviously his southern team as proved by his 2 programme bricks.
  16. I would actually like to see a rule that any guests cant come from sides in the same qualifying group. Just seems silly that good performance from one of your own riders could be the reason your team is knocked out. Then in the latter stages guests only from those teams knocked out. Similar should apply to the KOC and play offs. me too and I made similar comments so I think it must be why! wink
  17. Sad news. One of the best commentators from any sport let alone just cricket. Easy to forget just how good he was when playing the game too.
  18. result stands means meeting completed and will count. I thought it was very similar to the Boro meeting in terms of entertainment.Some determined first bends, mostly from the home side with a few good passes by home riders later in the races when they occaisionally didnt make the gate. The away side were generally poor and never looked comfortable. The above could easily describe both meetings. Cant agree that the track looked rough and it certainly wasnt the over watered ploughed field of the showgrounds bend 3.
  19. Stefan was my choice for rider of the night. Good speed and choosing good lines rather than just chasing back wheels when behind. Much easier than I expected overall. Agree that heat 13 should never have started. Was Rohan officially excluded?? Didnt hear it announced. I would be surprised if the ref could be certain of any decision.
  20. the details on updates also stated he was chasing Kerr and putting pressure on him in the 2nd reserve race which is a positive sign
  21. Just checked on updates - Stefan 5+1 tonight beating Kerr in heat 2 and Morris in his other 3.
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