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Everything posted by dontforgetthefueltapsbruv

  1. Will be interesting to see if Hansen continues to struggle or suddenly finds some form now the LC is out of the way and his nice new average has enabled the team switch
  2. Id say if he can beat Chessell he will have done his job. Important that Ritchie also gets the better of Starke.
  3. just checked on the club website and its Dan Halsey Also Rebels have Luke Chessell in for Compton
  4. Dont see much more than a 10 point win and really hope its no closer than that!! It may depend on whether Kurtz finally finds a fast way round Foxhall. Every time I say he is too good to keep being so poor. Sooner or later he will prove me right! (unfortunately) Reserves may be the key if we are to win more comfortably.
  5. What a strange few days!! Newcastle at Ipswich Ipswich at Peterborough Peterborough at Newcastle Throw in the Scottish derby reversals as well. That wouldve been some accumulator to go for!
  6. Excellent win for the Monarchs. As Arson said - the ability to show the backbone to hit back after a poor result is the sign of a good side. Tigers need to show the same next time out....
  7. Isn't the fee dependant on ability?? Is Mr Havelock partial to a pie and a Bovril??
  8. if it is about assessed riders beind awarded a true average from less than 4 home 4away if a team redclares then its not about someone putting a spanner in the works with an old ruling. It there and should be used. Presumably this means that Glasgow want a new 7 pointer and with Kozza under that the new declaration needs to stay under 42.5 which it would with Sarjeant on 3 but not if his revised figure is used.
  9. no - I dont know his league experience and therefore what category he falls into for average assessment. Depending on the answer though you know the next comment!! wink ie on a 7 he and Roynon dont fit for Allen and Greenwood.
  10. such eloquent debate! The point was clear and concise. When Lambert missed meetings with illness it was suggested it may even have been a management ploy to keep Allen at 1. Lots of hehe we've out witted the rules etc When a situation works against you its a disgrace and some are even calling for him to be sacked!! Nothing numbskull about it - just reasoned logic. Try it sometime.
  11. Ive not heard of Grondal - whats his pedigree?? What average would he come in on??
  12. Looks better than Cov v Poole - surely Holder should be raring to go?? wink
  13. Now some of you may have noticed that there have been a few times when I have got my knickers in a twist on Boro threads about a few things! MPT , redeclarations and of course riders like Lambert potentially having their average updated despite not having ridden 4home 4away. How ironic that many of those posters that have sneered at my comments and chuckled about Lambert missing away meetings and so not getting a new average which has enabled Allen to stay at 1 and so retain the guest facilty are now up in arms! Of course this time youve lost out rather than gained so suddenly its not quite as funny!!
  14. it was a genuine comment with no wooden spoon (this time!!) Not having knowledge of his set up I would not know how realistic his reason is. Agree it does appear flimsy but not totally inplausible. Hence I wouldnt criticise him too much this time.
  15. I think Lambert should be given the benefit of any doubt on this one. He is 17 riding in both leagurs and has now been thrust onto the international scene. It takes an incredible amount of organisation to take that on and he doesnt have the experience of it yet. I dont know what team he has around him but perhaps the help he needed wasnt there??
  16. No need for knee jerk reactions for changes IMO. Obviously agree with the concerns raised and have stated many myself. Playing devils advocate what real options are there? IF you replaced Rohan you would have to look at an untried 7 pointer. Not a better option IMO. If you replaced Ritchie you would need someone with an established average as he is now under 5. Who is there? Has Morris signed anywhere? Would Adam be an option? Again though you may well get similar inconsistant scores. Get Cam back,fingers crossed for no more injuries and see how it goes for July at least.
  17. ive heard he was last seen on a pedalo in the north sea.......tonights storms may well have set him back - could be touch and go to be there for tapes up. wink
  18. hence your reply to me - thank you for the vote of confidence!!
  19. Anyone able to post a picture of some tumbleweed? Think its gonna be needed given the lack of Monarchs posts!!
  20. or more commitment to his team....... Good on our boys for getting back. Win or lose at least it will be the Witches that got the result and not some select team. Just need Brady and Kus to ride like Cook did last night for us and we might have a sniff!!
  21. in case anyone is wondering!! Witches fans - only if youre a masichist Diamonds fans - 5* recommendation
  22. Steve I can see your point about the interval. But in fairness even given all what went on tge kast race finished at just after 9.30. That was still only 1 hour 45 from advertised first race start time and 2 hours from parade. What it does show is take out the tapes issue, the multiple re runs, a popped airfence and the interval and 15 heats can and should be run in not much more than an hour!!
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