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Everything posted by dontforgetthefueltapsbruv

  1. retired full stop is current intention I believe.
  2. Been told that he has stood down this afternoon.
  3. Anyone concerned with Ritchies form doesnt have to worry anymore. Good luck for the future Ritchie.
  4. Does a 2 min exclusion count as a ride? I didnt think it was for average purposes etc
  5. Can make a like for like change for individual riders. eg 1 in for Allen up to his average. Only if make additional switch that isnt like for like at the same time - eg Roynon for Greenwood does the team have to come back under limit.
  6. that sums up the whole season for me! Shouldnt really be disappointed with a point at Glasgow but..... Thats the frustration for a Witches fan!!
  7. Gino won the western states championship held at san bernandino in 2013. In 2014 only the california and new york meets took place it seems of about a dozen that have been run at various times over the years. Check out the speedway champions site (link from bspa site)
  8. or gain a suitable state champ position. Or of course if he has a multi year contract/visa then it is only on expiry that the criteria has to be hit in the preceeding season. and of course this has cancelled out any advantage we couldve had with Nico's rise.
  9. yes - Gino won a state title in 2013 to qualify for his visa last year.
  10. Hope the weather is kind to spanner and baldyman and they get to see a meeting. Can the Witches carry on where they left off from last night? Before the weekend wouldve predicted a 12/14 point loss but today I can see a chink of light for us to gain at least a point. Up the Witches!!
  11. Well done boys on a great fightback. Glad you enjoyed it in the end Baldyman. If only eh!! Certainly cant afford that kind of start tomorrow. Hansen quickly found his oom bop again!! wink
  12. hestill is for a day or two ..... Re Nico - rule states riding as a guest is covered by 8 day rule. Tonight he is not a guest so he has only been a fuest once in the 8 days.
  13. oh chap - thought it might be something else - wink get some lotion on that head then mate!
  14. Well at least he has something to prove/ needs to put himself in the shop window. Nightmare for spanner and baldy. Hope you get there fellas - and its worth it!!
  15. It seems to me that Greg might be the fan - fighting like Dingle!!
  16. bit of a bizzarre comment unless it is a pure wind up. Only the 4th year for each Rohan has gone 6+ 7+ 8+. Not many new riders have done that.Currently about 7.5. Cam 4.5 6.5 and yes slipped to 5.5 last year. However his first wrist injury was one that much worse that most know. Hence the care he is taking this year with the new injury. Hope that the Witches can get into gear and at least run close.Would be delighted with a point. A good Witches start could put big pressure on the Tigers . How r/r goes for both sides coukd be the key.
  17. double edged sword this one. Can see what you say in that that loyalty could mean that there is less urgency of course it also means (hopefully) that the club is more stable than most and therefore not at risk as those that attract only a few hundred are.
  18. Witches pretty ordinary at home again tonight. Are we gonna see an away day backlash ala Peterborough?? Perhaps if Bach and Wells have a day out at the seaside and decide they cant get back in time we might nick a point otherwise a 20+ Comets win is on the cards.
  19. Oh dear another one thrown away!! Where did it go wrong??? Look at the last places. Every Witches rider ran a last. The home team and we run 9 (NINE) last places. Rebels 6 last places 3 of which were Chessell which was expected. Not good enough. Im not going to comment on individual performances.
  20. Not being on facebook or twitter means i have only viewed the incident this morning when the youtube links were posted. Re the exclusion - from the head on angle i can see why some have called it 50/50. From the angle from.the other side of the track 100% Nickis fault IMO. However it is far from the worst move he has pulled and i wouldnt think it was deliberate. Also agree Greg may possibly have been able to avoid a crash. Still unfair/dangerous though. Re the 'fight' - Greg totally out of order and lucky to get away with just a fine. The arguement of provocation is a poor one even if you see this incident as 'the last straw'. Perhaps an ugly incident all round but one that in the end could actually have a positive given the interest it has raised particularly from outside traditional speedway fans.
  21. well one or two scores have seemed a bit fishy so you could be right!! Will go with Witches to grab a point.
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