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Everything posted by dontforgetthefueltapsbruv

  1. i thought it may have been working tge dock that got jenga in trouble in the first place........hello sailor!! wink
  2. Shocking luck for the Panthers. Hope Simon has a quick recovery.
  3. that raises a vood point.. What level of proof does an SCB inquiry require? Presumably not beyond reasonable doubt like a criminal case but more likely a balance of probability basis - like being the prime cause of the stoppage in speedway speak.
  4. Could be a real cracker. Witches have done much better at OTA on recent visits so that builds up hope for a point. However in the back of your mind you know how sometimes the Rebels can really turn it on at home and steamroller anyone.
  5. Bruised but nothing broken was what i heard. Not sure how long his recovery period is expected to be.
  6. The enquiry by the SCB should be before the next Witches meeting so everyone can then just get on with it whatever their decision.
  7. and to say he could/shouldve shut off on bend 4 as he had no chance is absurd!Race to the finish always IMO - Davies may have ef of drop a chain and then how siily would Rohan look if had shut off turn 4! Still too much doubt for me from what ive seen. Now if we had the Halifaxtiger angle video it might be more conclusive.....
  8. the heater was just the final straw where he still hadnt calmed down many minutes later.The original incident in the pits. We were all shocked when he was thrown out of the meeting. All of the comments were guesswork and assumptions in that case due to there being no video and very few seeing the original incident and none the part in tge changing rooms.
  9. i was ready to give Rohan both barrels if the pictures matched the words but genuinely dont think they do.On updates from the initial descriptions myself Baldy and others roundly condemned his actions. Now it looks liked the pudding had been severely over egged. Now Rohan MAY have meant it - only he really knows - but from those videos there is nothing conclusive enough to not give him the benefit of the doubt IMO.
  10. So again - what happens if Rohan shuts off at that point rather than give it some more?? Answer - he would straighten up and plough into Auty rather than just hit his front wheel. Unfortunate accident and nothing more.
  11. Thanks for the video links - very interesting. Certainly don't think that its conclusive that's Rohan meant to knock off Auty. Far from it from the point of view of finding him guilty. Had he have knocked off the throttle 5/10 metres earlier what would have happened? The back wheel stops spinning and he shoots forward and would plough straight into Auty who is almost at a standstill before bend 2. So he keeps it wound on to keep sliding but still doesn't manage to keep inside a coasting Auty. Only Rohan really knows the truth. Benefit of the doubt stays with him for me. Re Ash and Lunna. Where on earth the comment made that he tried to kick him in the head came from is laughable - its barely off the foot peg!!
  12. no problem with passion,no problem with him backing Rohan but dont see that any mention of Scunthorpes plight is required in the context of this thread.
  13. Alan this is at least the second post that you have almost gloated about the possible closure of Scunthorpe.Whatever the views of either side re the Auty/Tungate incidents there is no direct link to the clubs plight and adding such IMO is just an attempt to inflame a reaction and out of order. There may be a bit of short term needle between some rival fans on here but Im sure none wish what you are suggesting.
  14. Im not on twitter but have been informed that Kevs message to Rohan is - "dont worry about it mate -hed have his own team mate off at press day if they are silly enough to go out with him"
  15. In answer to Scunny Bullet a couple of posts above - Ash Morris was fined according to BBC Radio Suffolk report.
  16. interesting choice of words in certain paragraphs... 'Tungate was also involved in a first bend incident during the original attempt to run heat 10' Scunny way of describing Auty wiping him out (as per neutral eyewitness)
  17. So for the original running of the heat we have EC rides again stating Tungate had momentum off the bend and clipped Autys wheel (so Auty had to be clear ahead) and Scunthorpe Bullet stating Auty went speeding past off the bend ( so Auty clearly behind) A lttle inconsistent?? Think I will stick with the HalifaxTiger neutral view.
  18. so you say Auty slipped underneath and headed for the fence and Tungate clipped his back wheel....So thats seems to indicate he actually wiped him out! Its not a perfectly legitinate move if you hit the rider as you try to pass! No excuse for Rohan if his 'revenge' was deliberate though.
  19. most may think of the kids ryhme...Fly away Peter fly away Paul.... although they may not want him to fly back which ever one he is! wink
  20. Well that wasnt what we all expected was it!! Would normally be well chuffed with the win but that seems a bit secondary now. Dont agree that it was wrong not to pull Rohan out of the rest of the meeting - the ref made his choice. Rohan totally out of order but its not the first incident of 'afters' following a race. Unfortunately this time the outcome seems a little more serious than the rider simply being dumped on his backside. Given that the ref ruled Rohan elligible to continue in the meeting should mean the result stands if the regulations are followed. However it wouldnt be the first time regulations were ignored and if in this case we lost the points then you wouldnt find me whinging as you can understand the sentiment of those calling for just that.
  21. Hopeful of at least a point. We are certainly good enough for that. Scunny on form though would beat anybody at home so need a few things to go our way to get anything more. Agree that Cam is key.
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