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Everything posted by dontforgetthefueltapsbruv

  1. How can it be independent and run without interference when it has multiple common members with the BSPA?? Even with the best will in the world despite the obvious good intentions of the statement you have posted it just isn't possible IMO. Utter tripe!!
  2. what else can you expect when you are mankey old pussycats!
  3. Although in essence there is little or no difference between the BSPA as a collective, the MC as a subsection of the BSPA and the SCB as the BSPA wolf in sheep's clothing. Whilst technically separate and with different spans of control there is no significant disconnect between all three when it comes to the day to day running of the sport.
  4. spoilsport!! You havent even let us have 24 hours of tongue in cheek conspiracy theories re the 13th!!
  5. but two are at home and we always lose them so nothing lost for those......though one is Worky so lets have the sun out for that one - even we should beat them. wink
  6. yes but we are all joking (hopefully!!) that suddenly there may be a MC decree insisting it is brought forward!All in the best interests of British Speedway of course!!
  7. Actually IMO thats probably how it should be viewed - a bit of theatre for the crowd is what the sport needs. Far to often now all things in life are 'sanitised' to appease very dull people with no sense of expression!! However thats not what the rulebook says and whilst officials can pick and choose which parts to apply there will always be issues.
  8. Rohans ban is 21 days from today. Ends Thursday 13th (blank home date in fixtures anyway!!) So its tick tick tock from now.....
  9. No - the regs were altered to specifically state any ream issues had to be raised and sorted before the meeting.The aim was to avoid results having to be changed. So there can be no appeal - at least not a successful one as is seen by the Kus r/r decision.
  10. So another complete balls up from the BSPA over a team line up! Simply not good enough and needs to be sorted for the future.
  11. Will be interesting to see how long Wilkos ban will be..... And Lunnas mechanic..... And what action is taken for fans entering the racing arena during a meeting...... And despite my saying you should make a stand there is the sit in which is likely to attract attention. Coventry took a stand which most agreed with but still were punished....
  12. Actually disagree with that Superblue - if you genuinely feel so strongly I think you should make a stand even it it is outside normal acceptable means.
  13. Good win for the Tigers - just about deserved it. Ultimately they were more consistent. Too many last places again for the Witches. No Stefan and the lack of a PL guest cost us too. Back to square one!
  14. Witches from contenders to only spoilers. Thats a few more off the gate to go with the pussycat stayaways.
  15. must admit the same thought had crossed my mind.Hadnt posted it though as felt it may be misinterpreted as a wind up.
  16. I havent said thats what happened it was just to hypothesise.... Lets face it theres been plenty of 'jackanory' from both sides about this and the other incidents from this one! Wilko may well be relieved as his incident has largely slipoed under the radar... Another conundrum - is a failed attack that is subsequently over shadowed by other events unfolding better or worse than a 'successful' attempt with no intent? Any video of that by the way?
  17. Ive made this point before about reopening the throttle... When Rohan realises he is heading towards Auty what should he do? At the point of no return if he shuts of he shoots forward. If he grabs a handful he has a chance to turn it tighter and miss Josh - unfortunately that didnt work. Just a thought......
  18. I liked this post because I think its important to have consistency. The one counter point I would set out is 2 wrongs dont make a right. Perhaps Masters shouldve been banned for his intentional attack. In which case if Rohans move was intentional then a ban would be justified. cant argue with that - also a few innocent locked away. It will all come down to the SCB panel making the decision about the intent IMO. If they decide they have no doubt that there was intent then I would expect a ban to follow - even though that would be inconsistent with the Masters situation. My view is there is enough doubt for Rohan to not be banned. cant argue with that - also a few innocent locked away. It will all come down to the SCB panel making the decision about the intent IMO. If they decide they have no doubt that there was intent then I would expect a ban to follow - even though that would be inconsistent with the Masters situation. My view is there is enough doubt for Rohan to not be banned.
  19. Rohans action was not deliberate - I am as sure as I can be he had no intention of knocking Josh off. I can understand why those against him question his statement but the video is inconclusive. Only Rohan really knows and he is adament there was no intent. The SCB ruling should only be about the intent - injury to Josh should not influence the verdict. Which action is worse - intent with no real injury (Bjerre/Masters) or no intent but unfortunate injury? (Rohan/Josh)
  20. Any win will do for me. Glasgow are certainly good enough to trouble us so any weak link could leave us vunerable. Heres hoping for a solid all round performance.
  21. so just a painkiller and some strapping needed then! Seriously though good that nothing is broken. I think Simon has been one of the most improved riders this year.
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