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Everything posted by dontforgetthefueltapsbruv

  1. not at all - always prepared to give credit wheres its due. Just hope you lose by 4 in the home leg! wink
  2. Id imagine Thomsens 'problem' will be one of those 24 hr bugs - clearing up just in time to travel to the u21 as originally planned. nb (here endith the daily pussycat)
  3. He could double up.... New owners with big plans and ambition. 1)Vaculik 2)Nicholls 3)King 4)WELLS 5)Covatti 6)? 7)? Easy this fantasy stuff
  4. These posts are all just fantasy/make believe.Wouldve thought you would grasp that easily given your experience on the pussycat threads all season! wink
  5. woulnt disagree with that shads. Title was a bit tongue in cheek. On other threads have seen the integrity/manipulation question turned into ' show me someone with integrity and i will show you a loser' (paraphrased) hence choosing the title i have. I did have a go at the others too! I cant be blamed for the pussycats making it as easy as shooting fish in a barrell can I!? wink
  6. Are you a Witch,Comet,Diamond,Bear,Rocket,Bandit or Scorpion? Welcome to the losers club and no play offs to look forward to. But who do you want to win the PL and why? As much as it chokes me to say it its Edinburgh for me. Not only did they finish top but did so with an unchanged side. A close second would be Plymouth for the 'Roy of the Rovers' factor they bring with their first venture towards the big prize. As for the others - no thanks. Glasgow with the Howe move where a rule that shouldve been implemented but wasnt. Somerset for the discarding of Lanham after he had done all that coukd be asked and more to paper over their crack caused by yet another average wrangle. Sheffield less so but the Proctor situation was a bit farcical and using guests at 1 all year detracts for me. Peterborough - what can I say about my friends from down the road? Desparately manipulating every situation to sqeeze out any advantage however crass it looks! So it c'mon the Monarchs for me! What about the rest of you losers??
  7. Now on website that 16 Lapper set for 24th with the line up to be announced in the next few days. It wiil be the last meeting.
  8. always looking the bargain! In all seriousness a move away could be the catalyst Rohan needs to kick on. I actually think he would do well moving up to the EL. IMO he is the sort of rider that would score almost as well at the higher level.
  9. So it looks like Rohan may be a regular pussycat for the play offs - if you ever get round to agreeing to ride of course. wink
  10. And if it was a worthwhile true professional sporting competition it might matter. However Speedway in its current form is much more a partially contrived sports entertainment (and in general isn't always getting that part right either)
  11. Agree with the management point. One critism from some quarters has been that Chris has stuck by riders for too long. But give me a trait of loyalty respect and nuture over ruthless manipulation anyday. Perhaps that where im different as a person to some others....
  12. The margin between success and failure can be tiny and the 2015 Witches are a perfect example. We generally have an excellent side but who have on a few occaisions slipped just below the required standard. We never really managed to build any momentum before the next hiatus hit whether it be a poor performance, a new injury or an enforced break. The engine room at the start (Cam/Gino/Ritchie)needed to at least hold its own but unfortunately struggled. Notice the common link? Injury.... Each of them were hit early on and IMO that took its toll both physically and also in dealing with the extra demands r/r brings. Yes I am disappointed but it is also the frustration of knowing how close wecwere to being a top side. Sometimes though its just not meant to be. Agree with a few comments above that there has been plenty of great entertainment again this year. Nico to take a special bow there. Roll on 2016 - whatever it may bring. It will be an interesting winter. Maybe a few surprises????
  13. indeed and with no one to blame other than ourselves.But at least any credit or blame is due to our own 7 riders and and not a hotchpotch collective of who might be free on any given day. wink
  14. well our season is over now so all I have left to do for the rest of the season is to give you lot dogs abuse! lol
  15. You sacked him!! Id expect him to give a 2 word reply if asked. The first sounds like duck and the second is off!
  16. only because almost everything you do makes it so easy to want to!! wink
  17. So when will the 16 lapper be? Surely it wont be next month as planned. Unless some other fillers are arranged (which seems unlikely) the sooner the better and then we can all get set for Christmas!!
  18. Congratulations Plymouth - enjoy the play offs. Fully deserve their place. Hope you can shake them up a bit...
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